Moving house...
Because I like to make life as stressful and busy as possible, moving house seems to be a thing we save for my maternity leave and only once we've had baby to make life just that much more fun.
We have been looking to buy for a long time now and we finally bit the bullet and went with a renovator that ticked our non negotiables. - 4 bedrooms located in a cul-de-sac on 800m2 with a big fully fenced yard. There is A LOT of internal work to be done including miles of plastering, entire repainting, new wardrobes, new bathroom and toilet, new kitchen ... you get the idea, its a real renovator and I have big big plans that include knocking out walls, building, a pool. But in the meantime, that yard! We are just loving it more than I could have imagined with E loving the space to roam and go on dragon hunts.