Our baby is One!
Delayed but that's life with a toddler and a baby plus working full time I guess.
Our littlest boy turned one earlier this month and of course it wouldn't have been fair to not throw him a first party like we did with E - I swear the second kid does get a raw deal but that's for another post. Cue a guest list of 70+ and over 50 attendees including a circus of 20+ children under 10 but we love to entertain our family and friends so it was a wonderful day made even better by our amazing backyard that suits crowds and children and fun.
There was no theme and no face painter like Es but we did put up the boys' jumping castle ... although the children has more fun digging in the play yard with E's fleet of Tonka trucks. Kept food simple with a sausage sizzle, cold beers and lots of homemade finger foods the boys love including chocolate crackles - because what children's party is complete without them!
C had a great time and E was in his element running around with all of his 'big' friends (our friends' 5 year olds).