
I confess...


My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life:

I live for wine o'clock aka 5 o'clock for non-mummas. Pouring that glass right before getting the boys in the bath makes everything seem so much easier. Although, I rarely get to drink it until the boys are bathed dressed and watching bedtime shows ... but its just having it there that I find reassuring.

I used to wash my hair daily. Then I had kids. Its a slippery slope and now I'm down to once a week, sometimes twice if I have something on for work. Gross I know.

I'm cheap, (or spoilt by my hairdresser) but as much as I love my hair (despite irregular washing), I bring myself to pay a fortune on having it done. My hairdresser was away recently and I had an event where I needed an updo. I rang around and after the cheapest quote of $75 for a high ponytail, I had my sis research pinterest and fumble something together - she did a pretty great job. Note: my HD charges me $30 for any kind of updo! I know, ridiculously cheap, see why I can't spend more than $50.

I'm a plant killer. Like can't even keep basil alive plant killer. I'm determined to change this though and was recently convinced to by a real Fiddle Leaf Fig for indoors (instead of the plastic one I was leaning towards). One week in and its still alive - babysteps.

C still needs to be bounced to sleep some nights in his Baby Bjorn bouncer (thank goodness they are long). Do I like, no. Does it get him to sleep with minimal fuss, yes. Choose your battles I say.

The boys have developed an obsession with 2 minute noodles. I know they are not a well-rounded wholesome meal but meh, I had them many a night for dinner (by choice) growing up so I let them too. 

But you know what? 
I'm a really great mumma to E and C and a really great wife to S.
I'm not perfect but they don't need perfect, 
they just need me, imperfections and all.

What are your confessions to a less than perfect life ...

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  1. Oh yes, 2 minute noodles... dinner favourite around here too.

    SSG xxx


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