
Birthday wishlist


Birthday wishlist

Its definitely a wish list that aptly reflects my #mumlife ... practical realistic items that I actually need and will wear regularly - unlike the red Sheike gown I bought last week because the price was too good to pass despite having no future gala or occasion requiring it.

When did I become so sneaker obsessed?! Who am I?
Loving the Nike women's offerings much to S' delight and the Disney Princess Vans, well they just make my inner child scream 'you HAVE to have them.'

Witchery is knocking it out of the park in playsuits for Spring and Summer and will make a nice change from my usual denim shorts. The printed floral is especially pretty and will be nice to dress up or down - not that I dress up much anymore thanks to sticky fingers and snotty noses.

Loving the Marc Jacobs crossbody bag ... the colour and style is light and fun for warm weather and the style and size definitely works for lugging the endless crap necessary for getting out of the house with two boys under four.

I'm also honest enough to admit on the topic of being mumma to two under four, a simple but stylish one piece that hides the bits that just aren't currently (and maybe never again will be) bikini ready  is high on my list of necessities. I've also learnt from previous Summers, straps are a must for grabby little hands if I want to retain some modesty.

Cards Against Humanity! Have you heard of them? I love a good card or board game and we play them every year on our Summer holiday with whoever is around (and nowadays, who ever has children napping).
Confession, Taboo is my favourite and I've never been beaten (touch wood - I always partner with S or my sis to ensure my track record is maintained) but I have watched it almost cause breakups in other relationships. I'm not even joking on that.
Cards Against Humanity absolutely sounds like my kind of fun and perfect for our Summer holidays ... and even just for Saturday afternoon drinks on the back patio. I think the 90's Nostalgia pack is also a compulsory add on for our household.

Country Road/Trenery iPhone & iPad case ... less than half price at the moment and would make a nice update from my hand-me-down iPad case I borrowed from my mum intending to replace but never got around to.

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