
Spring Bucket List


Spring is pretty much the best time of the year on the Gold Coast, the weather is beautiful and clear without being too hot and humid so its the perfect time to get out and about.

We're almost a month down for Spring and we're away for 2 weeks in November so I'm not leaving myself much time to complete a Spring bucket list but here goes nothing:

1. Get to the beach - to swim, to play and just enjoy it. We live only 15 mins from some of the World's best beaches but we just don't seem to get there much. Not sure if the sand puts me off - through the car, the house and every crevice in between, or the amount of gear we have to lug along or if its just the thought of chasing a screeching CB across hot sand trying to apply sunscreen. Anyway, we need to get to the beach.

2. Halloween. We've never really done anything to celebrate the holiday/season/whatever it is but I do love (obsessed with) the movie, Hocus Pocus, and the boys love a good dressup so I want to try and get a couple of girlfriends and their children (and husbands - to watch the kids) together for a Halloween party. A good excuse to actually make some of the grown up drinks I keep pinning on Pinterest - for the adults only of course.

3. Spring clean! It wouldn't be a Spring bucket list without this one. I'm talking architraves, skirting boards, windows including screens and tracks, wardrobe culls, the roof and guttering, wash the lounge covers, replace the lounge room curtains and sort out our garage which has become a dumping ground for the masses of trucks and ride ons the boys have accumulated.

4. Seaworld. We have passes to all the theme parks, we just never seem to make it to Seaworld despite it being a favourite. Probably because its a total PITA to get to thanks to nightmarish traffic conditions around the area. That aside, its on the list and we need to get there as the boys love seeing the Ninja Turtles and the marine animals.

5. Buy fresh flowers weekly to enjoy more often - no need for a special occasion.

6. Picnics, lots of picnics and fish and chips in the park at dusk.

7. BBQs with friends. We love to entertain, we just have to be better at actually organising events.

8. Fly a kite. We've never done this with the boys - although we must have intended to as we have 2 kites floating around somewhere.

9. Go to an outdoor movie / open air cinema. There are a few locally so I'll have to find a date and get on it.

10. Feed the ducks - but first I'll need to find a pond with ducks ... or maybe not, they're aggressive creatures and scare me - maybe I can find a pond and send S with the boys?

11. Plant a vegetable garden ... might be one to assign to the green thumb father in law as I'm not known for my ability to keep plants living. I'm an accomplished plant murderer sadly, I even killed a succulent in less than 2 weeks - still trying to figure out how.

12. Bubbles, ice blocks and water play in the yard - the boys favourite things.

13. Camp out in the yard with the boys. E would love this adventure.

14. Take as many pictures as I can, and especially of the boys and I - I want photos they can look back on that actually have me in them.

15. Go on local adventures to new places - farms, new places to eat, find different parks, places to swim.

Wish us/me luck!

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  1. Great list! I am so excited it's the middle of spring and that summer isn't too far away!

    SSG xxx


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