


Its been ages since I've waxed lyrical about how much I love my Thermomix and what a game changer it is - c'mon, I know you've missed my thermo-mixing ha ha - so here goes:

S was in Europe a few weeks ago for 10 days - lucky guy - and left me to fend for myself with the two tiny terrors underfoot. We survived and even ate nutritious meals every most nights with the thermomix saving my life a few times when the littlest boy ramped up his arsenic hour behaviour right on meal prep time.

One of the meals on my list while solo parenting was enchiladas - I love Mexican, the boys do too and enchiladas taste great for lunch the next day.
I defrosted the chicken breast and was all set to steam, season and shred the chicken as per the TRLMT Chimichangas steps with a few minor alterations (add grated zucchini and enchilada sauce) when I realised my pantry was bare of Taco seasoning! The horror! Seriously, I usually have at least 4 packets of this stuff floating around. I was ready to give up but then remembered the chicken had to be cooked and I didn't want to be wasteful.
Light bulb moment... why not mill my own Taco seasoning in the TMX? I googled blends, found one that I had the herbs and spices for and literally 30 seconds later, was back on track with my own Taco seasoning.
Seriously, how good is that!?

Lately I've whipped up the Egg & Bacon Pie from the 4 Blades magazine Budget Issue. Super easy, my only tweak is to whisk and combine the eggs with a little milk and seasoning before pouring it over the bacon ... I throw in some extra cheese too ;)
Its a quick tasty dinner or an easy lunch (served hot or cold as the weather warms) as we almost always have the ingredients on hand - even the day before grocery day.

Individual lasagnes have also been a big hit. I use a basic bolognaise recipe from the EDC with beef mince and lots of veg in the base, fresh pasta sheets and a dash of ricotta on top. S loves them cold for lunch at work and the boys scoff them for dinner. They're pretty fuss free to make although don't do what I did and try and form the uncooked pasta sheets ... they tear and break.!  If I read the recipe properly instead of skipping ahead, I would have realised they need blanching first.

And my favourite find recently was again from the 4 Blades magazine, the Asian Noodle Cakes with Bok Choy. Such a simple use of 2 minute noodles and tasty enough for the whole family. Also another perfect meal for Summer weather and packed cold in lunchboxes (if they last that long). They also freeze quite well so I keep a batch in the freezer for weeknight dinners and kindy lunches when I haven't got fresh bread on hand.

Do you have a Thermie (or a Bellini)? What are your go to recipes?

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