
Gift Guide for Educators


Kindy Gifts

I love gift giving - you've heard me say it a million times - and my boys' daycare educators definitely deserve a special gift (and a million dollars) to say thank you for the care and patience they take.

We take them morning tea for World Teacher's Day and Lindt chocolates for Easter and while I know they get paid to look after and teach the boys, I think it takes a special person to work with children. I don't think money in their field is a big draw card given the low industry rate so at Christmas we like to give them something that shows how much we appreciate their efforts and dedication to our children.

This year we have 5 educators to buy for which is a big jump from 2 last year so I've had to curb my spending somewhat and be at least a little sensible with budgeting.

In previous years I've found movie gift cards and coffee shop gift vouchers are very appreciated - Es first daycare centre was a short walk from the local Zarraffas so it was pretty much the perfect gift. In my experience (and personal survey of teacher friends), wine and chocolates are also always appreciated - even if they don't like it personally, I'm told they're glad to always have a stock on hand in their home for entertaining and the like (re-gifting I'm guessing he he).

If I'm not giving vouchers though, I try to buy things that I would like to receive and that are a little different to what everyone else might give (so they don't end up with 6 coffee mugs).
Last year E gave his educators a small giftpack each that I made up featuring Chapstick Christmas ornament tin, Glasshouse Christmas mini candle and Lush Joy to the World giftpack.

I was planning to do something similar again this year when my colleague alerted me to the T2 Click Frenzy sale ... Triple Treat packs complete with mesh strainer for $10 and the Chill Sets for only $30! I grabbed 2 Chill Sets for the littlest boy's carers - after the year they've had with him (think hours of screaming initially then moving on to biting ... and now a perfect angel that adores his carers), they have more than earnt a splurge and I picked up 3 packs of Triple Treat for Es carers. I'll also add some Lindt Christmas chocolates - because its not a present without chocolates right?

So that's another off my Christmas list ... just in-laws to go and I'm actually done. And I need to admit, that makes me sad. Unlike everyone else, I love Christmas shopping, its probably why I start so early and am finished well before December but I still hit the shops in the weeks leading up for the atmosphere and craziness - I can't resist and of course I end up buying another stack of gifts for everyone.

What are your go to teacher/carer gifts?

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