
Gift guide for him


Gift guide for him

Scott's birthday is just 10 days before Christmas but I always make sure he gets separate gifts and not just them all lumped together as joint presents ... having grown up with a few friends on the 21st (2) and 23rd (2 also) December, I know this is a massive peeve of December babes. 

As he rarely splurges on himself during the year, I like to spoil him a little and over the years he has received a few big ticket items like a bike, golf clubs, coffee machine (I don't drink coffee so it really was a gift for him), Playstation, tickets to the Australian Manchester United game in Sydney and other fillers like an Oroton money clip wallet, aftershave, Nike collectors shoes and clothes.

This year, he is turning the big FOUR ZERO so I had been saving to buy airfares for our little family to travel to Japan in early 2016 and was going to present him with the tickets but my savings got hijacked when he qualified for a work trip to the Rugby World Cup in London and tacked on an extra 5 days to visit Paris with a few colleagues. Needless to say, he's well and truly had his birthday present - a holiday in Europe and 10 days child free - but I still plan to get him a few things to unwrap on the day plus I'm throwing him a party.

I've so far bought:

  • A few Superdry tees - he loves the cut and style plus the quality is great 
  • Arnette sunglasses - I buy him a new pair every year and am loath to upgrade to a higher price point given the thrashing he gives them
  •  Star Wars - The Blueprints - he's a total Jedi nerd so  I know he will love this beautiful book o the original technical drawings from the Lucasfilm Archives
  • Lego Star Wars Ewok Village - he loves Lego and Star Wars so its kind of perfect plus he had a great time building the Old Trafford Stadium set I bought him last year
  • Star Wars The Force Awakens local Premiere tickets - enough said
  • Armani Code aftershave 
  • TW Steel watch - he's something of a watch collector, along with Nike basketball shoes, and I haven't bought him a new one in a few years but grabbed this at a great price
  • Tim Cahill 'Legacy' - he's a football fan being British and this will make a great on our Christmas beach holiday if the boys give us any downtime

I'm not sure what I'll keep for Christmas just yet but there you have it, my gift picks for the husband this year. What do you give the man in your life for Birthday and Christmas?

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