Keeping on top of life ... with children
Working fulltime with 2 children under 3 means I have to be super organised, even to just keep my sanity and stay on top of the basics. I should preface this post by sharing that my boys only go to DC two days a week for the toddler and 1 day for my baby/almost toddler (I'm in denial) while the other days my husband is home, my mil comes to our home or the boys go to my mums so while I still pack lunches 4 out of 5 days a week, its not the end of the world if they are both still in their pjs when I have to leave for work 2-3 out of 5 days.
Organisation comes naturally to me - maybe from being the eldest of 4 and a Type A personality but I totally thrive on lists and planning and I'm also well aware that baby brain has left my once sharp mind (I think) permanently impaired on occasion so both are now necessity and not just for fun.
My ipad 'notes' is my total life saver as my mini is always with me (prior, I just used my iPhone 'notes)' and I keep a 'to do' list in there for the week and under each day, I keep record of what I have on, calls I need to make, reminders to get/bring and I write one or two chores - ie. washing, strip the bed, vacuum etc so that if all else fails, I get one main piece of housework done and it’s not so overwhelming as trying to get it all done on the weekend or a day when the boys don't nap or cooperate ... it also makes me feel good to delete off the list once something is done, makes me feel like I'm actually getting somewhere and less overwhelmed.
Any hints tips or tricks you can share to make life easier?