
Wishing and dreaming and hoping ...


Wish list

I may have already knocked a couple of items off the wish list and into my home already ... both were do or die though and haste was required. The rest are destined to float around until my birthday (September) or maybe Christmas if I manage to keep my wife halo shiny till December - not looking good but that's another story ha ha.

1. Primates of Park Avenue - I love to read and this book is getting some great reviews ... but who the hell has the time to sit and read with an active toddler who never stops talking and a baby who boycotts sleep. That said, I'll buy it myself for our Christmas/Summer holidays if I don't receive it before then as I usually get a tiny window each day there to read a few pages.

2. Pink Nike Air Maxes & Black Nike Dunks - S is so very proud of these inclusions on my wish list. I'm not really a shoe girl and especially not a sneaker one but practicality wins nowadays and chasing two boys means comfortable shoes - without spikes incase I step on one of them (I'm not proud but this happens a lot lately as they both seem to be constantly under my feet). I'm pretty sure I will be gifted both of these from S by the end of the year given his own sneaker addiction - along with a membership to SneakerHeads AA.

3. Rookie & Co initial cap. How cute are these caps and given they are on my shopping list for the boys' Christmas presents (and they hide bad hair days), its only fitting I match. I've also discovered its hard to enforce toddler hat wearing when he rightly points out 'but you're not wearing one mummy' - oops, better get on to that.

4. Victoria Secret signature jersey pjs - I have the cotton ones already and they're absolutely my favourite. Luckily my parents are off to the US in Sept so I can avoid the ridiculous shipping costs.

5. Rainbow Brite Itty Bitty dolls - a throwback to my childhood... I was obsessed with RB from about the age of 2 and had all the dolls, twinks, books and movies so when I saw these were being released in the US, I had to buy them. I didn't realise they were a limited edition and turns out there were only 500 sets made Worldwide. I bought them shipped for $60 and they are now selling for $500+ they are that sought after. No idea what I will do with them ... hope for a daughter maybe - or future granddaughter? But I just really wanted them to satisfy my inner child I guess and at least they are tiny and don't take up much room.

6. Kate Spade Beau Bag - I've loved this bag forever and am in need of a structured black bag ... another for mum to investigate on her travels.

7. MK rose gold and tortoiseshell bracelet watch - I have 2 MK watches and love them both (a leather banded one & a rectangular faced all metal one) but I see a gaping hole for a bracelet style and I love the feature of tortoiseshell.

8. Uberkate family circle bangles - the perfect piece to commemorate our family. This one might float along until next year though depending on our baby plans.

9. Raw Luxe concrete diamonds - such pretty and modern home décor pieces. S can't see the value but that's to be expected ... I will end up buying these myself when we are little further into our renos and they fit the rooms a little better.

10. Lovestar Love Vase - stunning and practical. I love the copper but pretty sure its not available any more. That's ok though as I think I spied a new white trim style which would be ideal for our entryway ... when its done (hopefully soon). I'll splurge and buy this myself to celebrate the entryway milestone.

11. Hunter Sandringham boots - I need black gumboots in my life! Its raining right now so I really should just buy them with that argument. I have some white gold Hunter boots that I told S are perfect for my future as a soccer mum tripping out to games in the rain and cold on weekends someday but I think understated black might be a necessity too.

12. A holiday! - preferably to Japan but seriously, anywhere is fine by me. Stay tuned though because if the Jetstar 2 for 1 Japan sale comes up soon, this will be a reality!

13. Adairs Home Republic Prado quilt cover - I pulled the trigger on this one last week  after admiring it for months as it was on sale. It will suit our (unfinished) master beautifully and I'm doing an overhaul of our linen at the moment so really, it was essential.

What's on your wish list at the moment? Birthday or special occasion coming up? .

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