2 boys

Birthday wishlist

Its definitely a wish list that aptly reflects my #mumlife ... practical realistic items that I actually need and will wear regularly - unlike the red Sheike gown I bought last week because the price was too good to pass despite having no future gala or occasion requiring it. When did I become so sneaker obsessed?! Who am I? Loving the Nike women's...


2 under 3

Wardrobe organisation - children

This may be a boring post to some so feel free to skip past, I won't be offended but it might just help other mummas out there... wardrobe organisation and keeping on top of it is a near fulltime job it seems given babies/toddlers need a new wardrobe every 2-3 months (or more) in those early years. First things first, if you are...


2 boys

I confess ...

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I love Wednesday nights! S is at soccer and if I get the boys down early, I have the lounge to myself, total control of the remotes and netflix and I don't have to make conversation. Dinner is also optional and ice cream or popcorn are totally acceptable. I am hanging out for October...


2 boys

Keeping on top of life ... with children

Working fulltime with 2 children under 3 means I have to be super organised, even to just keep my sanity and stay on top of the basics. I should preface this post by sharing that my boys only go to DC two days a week for the toddler and 1 day for my baby/almost toddler (I'm in denial) while the other days my husband is home,...


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