2 boys

I confess ...

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I'm sad that my husband no longer has a regular sports night or boys night to go to every week. I know most wives prefer the extra set of hands for dinner bath bed but I would love my own company one night a week to watch trashy tv and eat popcorn for dinner...


boy mumma

Traveling with Children - Tokyo, Japan - part 1, The Planning

Japan is possibly S and my favourite place in the whole World together. We have both traveled, S far more extensively than I having grown up a British citizen and Air Force brat, but there is something magical and mystical and oh so fun about Japan. We spent our honeymoon there, complete with the biggest earthquake ever felt and we traveled back again...



Wish list

My current wish list looks something like this... 1. New sheets for our bed ... nothing beats fresh linen in a high thread count. 2. Victoria's Secret Mayfair pjs are my all-time favourite pajamas and I love the swiss dot flamingo print. 3. Inflatable gold swan for Summer - even though its now Winter. 4. Artis makeup brush set . I've only just discovered these and I NEED...


boy mumma

A snapshot

It seems a lifetime ago that I was documenting every week of my first pregnancy then every month of Es life. Cue second pregnancy and the posts were slightly less regular and monthly B2 updates virtually nonexistent.  I loved reading similar posts by fellow bloggers so much and I loved documenting the little details I would have all but forgotten in the whirlwind...


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