
The Working Mumma - mornings


This is my story and my thoughts alone. There is no judgement or censure on others choices, my motto where parenting is concerned, do what works for your family.

Like many mothers nowadays, I work full time and for a variety of reasons. I love my job, it stimulates and balances me allowing me to be present and in the moment for my boys when I am with them. Financially it allows us a small amount of freedom to have holidays, renovate our home (slowly), buy treats and pay for private schooling. I also love that it sets a good example for our boys and shows them how capable women are and can be in and out of the home.

But ... my goodness, everyday is a juggle and at least two mornings a week are scheduled to the minute with a random sleep in or slight deviation from the schedule sending the whole first half of the day into meltdown. Like this morning when CB decided to have a sleep-in after partying till 10pm ... of course today S had an 8am meeting, I had a media issue present and both boys had to get to kinder & daycare. Luckily E was a Saint (for a change) and even tried to help me by getting his brother dressed while I showered - think left arm and head through the neck hole, no pull-up and one shoe.

We are so lucky in that one day a week, the boys go to my mums, one day a week to my mother in laws and S is home every Friday with them but those 2 mornings rushing to make lunches, bags packed, get everyone fed and cleaned up and dressed and the kitchen clean and the washing hung out is just frantic - I'm dreading 5 days once they start school and I can't just drop C off in undies, one shoe and a backpack crammed with cutlery rather than face another epic battle about the necessity of clothes.

True story, this week I had to drop E at kindergarten without shoes as I asked him repeatedly to put them on and he told me they were in the car. Cue to us being on the highway and him calling out that nope, they weren't in the car grrrr. Lucky they actually encourage bare feet and the pavement wasn't too hot for the walk to his classroom.

One of our major keys to morning organisation are the tall Kmart lockers I bought last year. If you don't have them, go and get them!
S was skeptical when I bought them home but after 1 week, he was sold and the boys even love them as much as we do.
The boys each have a locker and we use them as follows:

Top Shelf
- lunchboxes, hats, cooler bags

Middle shelf
- school bag, sleeping gear

Bottom shelf
- shoes

On the outside we use magnets to stick newsletters, their artworks and awards.

These are a serious organisational game changer as S knows where everything is at all times (instead of asking me every 2 seconds), the boys are learning responsibility as we encourage them to put their shoes and bags away each afternoon and for me, its all contained behind a closed door. Everyone's happy, and organised!

Right now, drop offs and pickups are probably the biggest juggle and we will be in all new territory once again next year when E starts school.
At the moment, I work 8am to 4pm with some flexibility from a fantastic boss while S works 9 till 5:30pm. Both of us work around 30 mins from home.
CB goes to long daycare near home while E does 8:30-2:30pm on a 5 day fortnight about 15 mins out of the way so we have a mixed schedule of pick ups and drop offs that currently involve me, S, my dad and my in-laws.
I am not looking forward to figuring out how the heck we are going to schedule next year but that's a job for October (I like to plan ahead).

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