2 boys

Wishing and dreaming and hoping ...

I may have already knocked a couple of items off the wish list and into my home already ... both were do or die though and haste was required. The rest are destined to float around until my birthday (September) or maybe Christmas if I manage to keep my wife halo shiny till December - not looking good but that's another story ha...


2 boys

I confess...

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I have no patience... none whatsoever. This is severely tested being a mother and I am good at managing it towards the boys but ours house renovations are killing me. I can see the end result, the final product and I want it now! But money and time amongst other factors are keeping the brakes...


2 boys

Parenting a second child

One year two months in and I can safely say, it gets easier every day... Its such a shift from the first where your whole World revolves around them literally from confirmation of conception if not before. You sign up for weekly apps and emails that tell you what size nut fruit or seed baby is this week. You read every pregnancy book and endlessly...


2 boys


With the cold upon us, its time for warm comfort foods and easy options as its dark so much earlier in Winter and we all can't wait to snuggle in our nice warm beds - okay that's just me wanting early nights, the boys would be happy to play until they drop. You will possibly kill me for this recipe (its calorie laden)...


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