2 boys

What we have been up to

Its been busy times around here with little time (or motivation to be honest) for blogging. If you're loving the chambray fashion craze (and I am with shorts and drape pants already in my wardrobe), then you must snap up the Mix Chambray Dress. At $29 it's a whole lot cheaper than the almost $200 Country Road one and a great Spring staple I'm...


2 boys

Monthly update: 4 month old Charley Bear

Age:  4 months old!  Clothes:  00 for jumpsuits! My little guy is already too long in the arms and legs for 000 so he is really growing like a weed (a very cute weed). We had 4 month needles and check up this week and he is 66cm long and 7.28kg heavy so definitely a healthy boy. Favorite Foods:  Mummy's milk ... Definitely no...


2 under 2

Birthday Wishlist

Missoni converse - I've had mixed reviews on these with one of my friends likening them to something a high school student designed with a sharpie during double maths (I actually really love her description). I love Missoni though and think I might actually get a lot of wear out of the low cut Chuck Taylors. Seed leopard print shorts - I would...



The Playroom

Some might think I'm exaggerating when I call E the world's most spoilt toddler but I'm really not joking. This is his playroom ... And doesn't include the toys in his bedroom and the outdoor gear he has (balls, bikes, scooter, Cozy Coupe truck, sandpit, Tonka trucks, trampoline etc): Those boxes are jam-packed with Little People sets, talking dinosaurs and giant rubber animals,...


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