What we have been up to
Its been busy times around here with little time (or motivation to be honest) for blogging.

If you're loving the chambray fashion craze (and I am with shorts and drape pants already in my wardrobe), then you must snap up the Mix Chambray Dress. At $29 it's a whole lot cheaper than the almost $200 Country Road one and a great Spring staple I'm finding - even nursing friendly thanks to those buttons down the front.
Im also loving my Nike Dunks Sky Hi in lavender. My sis had a good laugh at my expense but to be honest, they're comfortable, fun and give me some height so I'm a fan.
We celebrated Fathers Day with presents for our favourite guy (including matching Peter Alexander Star Wars pjs for S and E) before he headed off for work. We then hosted my whole family en masse which was a loud boisterous affair with 3 crazy toddlers and my brothers new puppy - but our dad tells us it was his idea of heaven and he wouldn't have it any other way.
We headed up to Brisbane on the train to meet friends for a play at Southbank. E was excited for his first train ride ... Until the doors closed and then he started screaming 'no no no no train'. Thankfully he was soon distracted and the rest of our trip passed without incident and Chatlie snoozing in the pram. We arrived, met up with everyone and the 5 toddlers had a blast in the ball pit and eating their snacks. The train ride home was a peaceful one (mostly thanks to a small bag of potato chips I treated E to) until the station before ours where E went flying into a metal bar when the train lurched and ended up with a blood nose. I'm not sure who was more upset. An afternoon double nap of 3 hours was the pay off for the morning's excitement.
We've been to Rhyme Time every week with this Little Miss - isn't she the cutest! The kid has so much spunk and I couldn't be a prouder aunty of her. And here she is working a Camilla caftan - divine isn't she.
Dreamworld dates for a play and morning tea after swimming every week also remain a constant in our schedule and E surprised us by running for Puss in Boots on our last visit. He has no idea who PiB is but seems to be a fan.
The weather has been fabulous ... Until today where it's raining and cold as I write this but we were making the most of the Spring weather with water play, sandpit mayhem and chasing bubbles around the yard.
Did anyone else grab the book sling at Aldi a few weeks ago? e is just obsessed with his 'story shelf' and I love that I can rotate his copious amount of books so they actually get read instead of the same ones over and over.
We also had our first night leaving the boys for a few hours to go to a family friend's wedding. I cannot even tell you how much I laughed with my family, I literally went home with sore sides and tummy from the fun we had.
Add to this, I've been in a Spring frenzy doing lots of baking, decluttering my wardrobe for eBay and trying to clear the house of things we don't use. Any tips for Spring cleaning and decluttering?