2 boys

Sign me up to The Block - nursery reveal

Okay, that's not entirely true and maybe a little misleading ... sign S up to The Block (and my dad). I can't claim any credit apart from barking orders, spending money and choosing colours. The boys rooms were first on our list to overhaul and complete in the house as we wanted them to settle in and enjoy their new spaces. Turns out...



Its birthday time again

How is it that my firstborn is already only days off celebrating his third birthday!? Cue tears from mummy as I research prep curriculums and kindergarten programs. Like a typical boy, he's hooked on animals, Disney Planes and Cars, Toy Story and Dinosaurs. He loves to play and his imagination is a beautiful thing to watch - I love to spy on him when...


2 boys

Home decorating

Between the boys and our house, I have my shopping opportunities cut out for me... much to my poor husband's irritation. We have so much renovation to do and lots still to finish but that doesn't stop me buying pieces to display either now or that fit with my vision for a future room (like our completed bedroom someday). Kmart is certainly enabling...


2 boys under 3

Confessions of a shopaholic:

I thought I had been lacking some shopping mojo lately ... until I started compiling this post. Some of these are actually essentials and the rest, frivolous of course because who needs a new bikini in Winter (even if I do live on the Gold Coast). I stocked up on Country Road henleys yesterday in their mid-season sale for the littlest boy for...


2 boys

I confess

My ongoing confessions to a not so perfect life: I finished work early last week ... and I went shopping. On. My. Own! Yep, instead of heading straight home to see the boys like I usually do, I decided to be selfish and call in to the local complex for a browse. This was motivated in part by the disastrous outcome of finishing early...


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