Monthly update: 1 month old Charley Bear
1 month old! I swear it went by in the blink of an eye.

size 0000 but we've noticed some onesies getting a little too short length wise so have started using 000 wonder suits - nothing sweeter than a baby in a Wondersuit.
Favorite Foods:
breast milk ... You are an enthusiastic feeder just like your big brother.
Favorite Activities:
you love when your big brother talks to you or holds your hand - you instantly still and gaze at him.
You also seem to be a fan of tummy time and love to lie on your playmat and lift up to look at me and your surrounds.
Least Favorite Activities:
you're a very easy going baby and not much gets you worked up apart from having to wait for a feed and then you can really get those lungs cleared we discovered on the one or two times I've been slow.
Favorite Things:
Bright Starts playmat - you love to gaze up at the flashing lights and flail your hands.
Bubba Blue jersey fabric swaddles - beautifully soft and very stretchy, you love to be swaddled for sleep and these are nice and big.
My Favorite Things:
Fisher Price rock'n play has been a godsend yet again for daytime naps and just to chill out while I shower etc. I love that it's so portable I can take it from room to room.
Your Country Road blankie that Aunty K bought you in hospital. It matches your going home outfit she bought when you were born and I love you have some nice pieces of your own.
Signature Moves:
you can pass wind like a full grown man! The first few times you did, I blamed daddy.
daddy was holding you for your newborn photos and you were nudie... He told me he felt a puff of air and thought you had popped off. I checked and nope, you had pooped all down the front of him ha ha ha
Other Milestones:
smiles started very early, I swear you smiled at me your first week home from hospital much to my delight.
Happy tiny bday