Weekend fun
21:12I always laugh and identify with the e-card that says 'woohoo it's Friday! Oh wait, I'm a mum' because weekends just aren't what they used to be... not even close.

My weekends are usually pretty relaxed but busy and involve at least one park visit, a trip to the shops, a morning or afternoon catchup with friends and at least one meal out. As S works weekends though, all of the above is down with two in tow. So you imagine my delight when an invitation came up to attend a High tea fashion parade at the Sheraton and S offered to call his mum to watch E for a few hours so I could go.

I got home in time for E to wake from his nap and spent the rainy afternoon back in comfy 'mum' clothes baking scones and playing play-doh.
Sunday thankfully dawned sunny and in my role as a 'boys mummy', it was a must to take them to the Monster Machinery Day hosted by the local council. My dad came along to help me wrangle E (thank goodness) and proved once again he is the world's best grandpa. The day was crazy busy with half the Gold Coast in attendance but E got to both see, touch and sit on a digger so he was a happy little camper.

He was also a tired little camper who fell asleep in the car on the way home and then actually transferred to bed for a decent nap. A decent nap meant I was able to be productive and I whipped up dinner in the TMX, fed and cuddled the little one and had something to eat before E reappeared and we had an afternoon of play-doh, stickers and Little People play till daddy got home.
How did you spend your weekend?