Reality sets in
I've been quiet here as we've been busy finding our way ... Ok no, I've just been busy getting out and about to the park, the shops and all sorts of fun places while S has been off work.
But reality set in today as S went back to work and I was on my own with two boys and a heavy schedule for the day yesterday. Ok, 'on my own' is a little exaggerated as our first outing was Rhyme Time with my mum and 2 nieces ... But I still had to get the 3 of us out the door and there. And let me tell you, the night before was like something out of a horror story with 3 hysterical wakes from the toddler before 11pm and a baby who decide to have a 2h marathon feed at 10pm. We all ended up in the master bed with sleep coming around midnight and the little one getting him and I back up at 3am. Thankfully it was only a quick feed and we were back in bed at 3:30 and everyone slept till 6:30.

E napped for an hour and twenty, which is sadly considered a decent nap in our house, went on to refuse his lunch (like every other meal offered lately) and I dropped him for a play with his cousins at my mums and set out to do our grocery shop with C in the sling.

As I told S, I'm well aware there will be tricky days ahead but for the most part I'm pretty confident my boys and I are going to have a lot of fun while I am home with them.
And in other exciting happenings, I have a lunch date booked with my sister for today, as mums and bubs movie on Friday while E is at kindy followed by a haircut!
In the biggest news of the year (for me anyway other than Charlie's birth), I saw last week The Eagles were returning to Australia! I adore The Eagles as does my dad and we went to their last concerts (and loved every second) so needless to say, we were more than a little excited for this tour and especially when my mum discovered an Anex presale. Happily our tix are secured for next March!