
Life with 2 under 2


Thank you so much for your messages, congratulations and well wishes on our little guy!! Life one week on from the arrival of C and we seem to have settled into a comfortable routine of sorts.

C is a great sleeper and we've figured out that if I wake him and feed him at 6:30am, I can pop him straight back in bed which allows me to get up and spend some time with E, prepare his breakfast and get us organised for the day before waking C between 9 and 10am depending on what we have on for the morning.

So far, Tuesday we stayed home, adjusting to our new life as a family of 4 and to make life really easy, I  Ordered our groceries online having done a meal plan and saved a trolley of everything ready to go the week before.  Wednesday we ventured out with S taking E to Rhyme Time then picking up Charlie and I after so we could all go out for morning tea complete with Peppa Pig ride for E. 

Thursday was a big day with Charlie's first major outing - we all went to The Wiggles concert with my mum and nieces. I just popped C in the sling and he slept through the entire show waking at the end for a quick feed that I managed in the sling. E was in heaven and had the bestest Wiggly time bopping away, especially when Dorothy made her entrance. S and I were quite impressed with the show as they were very personable and quite a bit of fun.

Friday is Es kindy day so S dropped him off at usual time and we had a relaxed day enjoying some one on one time with C, had some visitors call in for newborn cuddles and headed to the shops to complete some errands without the toddler to wrangle.

Today has been a lovely start to the weekend with what turned out to be perfect weather. We made the most of it and took the boys to meet my sister and niece at the park. We enjoyed a coffee and baby cinos while the munchkins ran themselves ragged playing on the equipment. Being out and about, we also stopped by Pacific Fair where we decided to divide and conquer with me taking the peaceful sleeping C to buy a few things and S taking E to the toy shop. I picked C up some tops from Target to match E for winter - yes, I am THAT mother - and also bought a new release Potato Head set for E for his birthday next month (if you follow our monthly updates you know E us obsessed with potatoes). 

Overall, we are doing great with the changes and most importantly, E is in love with his 'bubby' and has been a total delight since C arrived.

(I will post this week on a few things I've found useful second time around, recovering from a c section and with 2).

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  1. Sounds really under control so far - well done! I love how portable new borns are. so good E has taken to him well, I tell you Hugo is only JUST warming up to his brother. Just. Argh!

    1. It sounds like we've gotten lucky with E adapting so well so quickly (although I know it won't always stay so rosy) but I definitely expected the worst x

  2. It sounds like Charlie is very different bub. Well done mumma. No pressure for the updates.


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