
Pregnancy update: 38 weeks


Apologies for lack of picture updates ... We don't have a full length mirror at home and I can rarely coordinate with S to remember to have him take one. Will try to update this post with a pic tonight.

How far along? 38 weeks ... Baby is very very close to making its arrival.

Maternity clothes? No, I really have been lucky to get maximum wear comfortably from my existing wardrobe. In my experience, it's about finding comfortable fabrics, good cuts and cheats like shirred wide waist bands and longline tops.

Stretchmarks? Looks like I will be paying up a bottle of fine champagne for my mumma at this rate.

Symptoms: SPD has arrived. I had never even heard if it until it hit me and I wish I could have continued unawares. It started as an uncomfortable pelvic/groin pain that quickly became an excruciating sensation shooting agony down my leg to the point where I literally couldn't walk. Thankfully it has eased a little but still very uncomfortable.

Sleep: difficult to get comfortable, requiring a pillow between my knees and with at least two bathroom wake ups but otherwise good.

Miss Anything? My clothes ... All the things that don't fit and possibly won't for a while. Small price to pay for b2 though.

Movement: between the jabs, movement and downward pressure, b2 is totally kicking my butt at the moment.
Best moment this week: like last week, I have loved being with my boys and especially spending so much time with E. He us growing so fast and just blowing my mind with how much he learns, absorbs and changes everyday. I am so truly blessed to be mother and wife to E and to S. Having a movie date with my husband was also a real highlight ... Seeing a movie us always a treat once you're a parent I think. 

Worst moment this week: the chaos of going to seaworld on school holidays. Thankfully E is young enough that he was happy to just see the animals, have an ice cream and head home.

Food cravings: a. Glass of wine is abig one as is a McDs chocolate sundae ... So I've made do with baking choc chip cookies (thank you Thermie), eating Es Easter chocolate, drinking ice cold colas and coffee milk, cheddar Shapes and broccoli salad with apple cider vinegar.

Happy or Moody most of the time: excited! Baby is going to be here one way or another by the weekend! Will post on that later this week.

Looking forward to: making the most of being a family of 3, meeting our newest addition to the family and seeing E welcome a sibling.

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