
Pregnancy update: 39 weeks


It's a BOY!

I am so excited to introduce the newest perfect addition to our family, Charles Mark aka Charlie.

Born by scheduled c-section on Friday, our little guy was a whole pound heavier and 1.5cm shorter than E but otherwise his twin.

The c-section was a surreal experience and it's recovery while uncomfortable is bearable and no worse than a third degree tear. The surgical team warned me it would feel like some one was doing the washing up in my stomach and strangely, that's exactly what the sensations were like... lots of pulling, tugging and pressure but thankfully no pain.

Charlie Bear at 3.5 days old so far is a dream sleepy baby that feeds like a dream and sleeps ... E never slept, not at all from day 1 so to have a baby that needs to be woken for feeds is quite the novelty here and I'm definitely not taking it for granted.

Most importantly and to my absolute joy, E is a delightful big brother who couldn't be happier about his new status and that his 'bubby' is here. He loves to touch him, talk to him and kiss him but is extraordinarily gentle and sweet.

We have come home today and while it was a little sad leaving after receiving such thoughtful attentive care, it's even better to be in the comfort of our home with my boys, all my boys, and watching E fall in love with his baby brother.

This is E on the left and C on the right ... TWINS!

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  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
    Enjoy your new family member.
    Remember to eat your probiotic yoghurt supposedly good for preventing reflux and thrush if you've had antibiotics.
    Enjoy the sleepy baby.

  2. Perth Shoegirl13 May 2014 at 22:32

    Ohh congrats! E and C will be best mates, I love watching my boys together, so glad all went well xx

  3. So happy everything is going well, what a little cutie!!


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