
Monthly update: 23 months


Stats & clothes: 
Size 2 and finally it's cold enough to break out his winter wardrobe although not quite the puffers and vests yet. It is however already time for another pair of shoes!

Favorite Foods: 
Food is not as popular here lately as of once was with many meals being a battle of stamina before he tries to swandive from his chair. We have noticed though his increased tolerance for spices and a little but of heat in dishes so I am loving the TMX and knowing everything is made fresh and from scratch. Yoghurt pouches, cheese, bikkies and berries remain popular as always.

Favorite Words: 
I am constantly in stitches this month with things like a forlorn 'why' complete with hand actions when told to eat dinner, the answer 'yes I do' or 'no I don't' if asked a question and calling daddy 'mate' (this one gives me hysterics especially). There is not much he isn't saying nowadays it seems.

Favorite Activities: 
Jumping on the 'peen' aka toddler speak for trampoline ... Especially with daddy.
He also loves swimming lessons, rhyme time at the local library and pottering about his room and playroom creating chaos and mess.

Least Favorite Activities: 
Mealtime - it's a battle of wills and almost always seems to involve tears lately regardless of what is served.

His Favorite Things: 
His baby brother Charlie. I couldn't have ever dreamed how easy our early days have been adding a newborn but E has totally delighted me with how much he loves his little brother and how very gentle and caring he is. He loves to 'hold' bubby in the mornings for a cuddle, sit with us sippy cup of milk in hand while I feed and is quick to tell me if C is 'wakeup' 'burping' or 'sssshhhh sleeping'.
Toy Story is still number one here so anything TS related is a winner including figurines, movies, dolls, drink bottles, plates/bowls, bath wash ... You get the idea. He is obsessed! With that in mind, we are planning a birthday party for him next month themed around the movies so stay tuned for planning and sourcing.
Slippers have also become popular this month much to my relief. With the weather steadily getting cooler, I bought him some Hoot slippers to match his Giggle pjs but he flat out refused to wear them but something has switched in the past week and now he insists on wearing them every morning upon waking and as soon as pjs go on at night.

My Favorite Things: 
My thermomix as it allows me to make E snacks and meals in record time from scratch so I know exactly what is in it and that there are no nasties.
Morning tea milkshake dates with my boy and sometimes my niece too. There is a great cafe near us that does a toddler deal complete with milkshake, mini muffin, Vegemite sandwich and activity pack for $5.95 so needless to say, we are regular visitors.
I am loving the Mr Potato Head giant set he has as while its a toy, its been fantastic in teaching E about body parts, where they go and the fine motor skills involved in slotting them into place.

Other Milestones: 
Es first haircut happened this month at grandad's barber and yes, I shed a tear at my baby having big boy hair and no more wispy curls. The barber was fabulous and snipped away quickly without fuss before E knew what was going on.
Counting! Not just reciting numbers but actually counting up to 8. It blows my mind he is already mastering this. 
He is also stringing words together every time he speaks now and my favourite of course is 'I love you mummy'. 
Just this morning, he also told me 'bless mummy' after I sneezed - isn't that the sweetest!

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