
Catching up


So I've officially been on maternity leave for a week and a half now. I've enjoyed a lovely Easter break with family, observed Anzac Day complete with attending a dawn service with my dad and of course all the fun parts of being a stay at home mummy including rhyme time at the local library, swimming lessons, milkshake dates and baking.

I've also enjoyed some shopping - I still have no willpower to resist a Country Road spend'n save (in my defence, they were hospital necessities), lunch and coffee dates with friends, a girls night to see a The Other Woman (hilarious) and even a movie date with S to see Captain America - surprisingly, I'm a fan and enjoyed it!

I could get used to this life I tell you ... Hanging with E every day is a blessing but it hasn't been without its trials of course. As great as my first week was, it was tempered by a toddler who seemed to be suffering a early life crisis with nap refusals, tantrums galore, meal rejection and rivers of tears. It started with a bout of croup detected early by his attentive kindy carer on Thursday before Easter so I raced him to our GP that night and got him dosed up before it set in. Thinking we were on top of things, I was caught out on Monday when E presented with bright red cheeks... I suspected Slap Cheek/Fifths Disease and had it confirmed by our GP on Tuesday. Nothing serious thankfully, just cold like virus symptoms with red cheeks once the virus passes. He made a full recovery by the end of last week much to our relief but just to keep things interesting, B2 decided to get us on our toes and we spent Anzac Day afternoon at the hospital being monitored and assessed. False alarm but it the positive is that my bags are now fully packed and I have kit ready for E too just in case he ends up needing to go to my inlaws (plan is for him to stay at home with my parents watching him).

In biggest news, E had his first haircut ... And yes, I held back tears. We took him to my dad's barber who was brilliant - quick with no fuss and the alternative method of using a shopping trolley to keep E seated and at the right height. Hey, it worked a treat with no tears, tantrums or similar from E and He looks like a big boy now with such a neat head of hair instead of those wispy baby curls I loved. 

Here are some pics of our fun:

Pics of E's first haircut

Lots of lounging around including matching daddy in Giggle & Hoot pjs

My Country Road haul - button down winter nightgown & jacquard robe for hospital, long sleeve tees and a too cute to pass up jumpsuit - that may end up being switched for blue

Easter fun and park play with uncle J

Thermomix baking - homemade crumpets and the best scones I have ever made or tried

My brother and sister in law meeting the Duchess of Cambridge - I was and am totally jealous ;)

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