
Pregnancy update: 36 weeks


How far along? 36 weeks ... And I'm officially on mat leave! Hooray for some time out before our world gets turned upside down in the most amazing way.

Maternity clothes? No but I'm so ready to choose from a wider range of my wardrobe and for some cooler weather so I can break out some new styles.

Stretchmarks? Still no sign touch wood.

Symptoms: lots of downward pressure and twinges, constant and strong tightenings/Braxton Hicks ... Baby is definitely getting ready to arrive. The heartburn is also unrelenting and really keeping my appetite to a minimum.

Sleep: not enough lately as I'm uncomfortable (shooting pains and aches in my shoulder blades) and having crazy vivid dreams combined with some sleep walking I suspect - I woke yesterday to a box of Rennies and contents spread across the kitchen bench and actually accused S of putting them there.

Miss Anything? Moisturizing my legs and feet comfortably, sleeping on my tummy and a good bottle Sav Blanc - not necessarily in that order.

Movement: baby loves playing up for big brother and big brother loves touching, patting and talking to my bump so we have lots of kicks and thumps throughout the day. Hopefully this is the start of a beautiful sibling relationship.
Best moment this week: the way E is constantly talking about 'bubby' now and wanting to interact with my bump just keeps getting better. We have been getting him to practice saying our short list of baby names and his pronunciations are beyond adorable ... And are helping to sway our choices too. We spent some time Saturday afternoon, reassembling the capsule after washing and he climbed in it to show 'bubby' the seat - this was complete with lifting my top so 'bubby' could see and explaining it used to be his seat but he has a big boy one now. He really is going to make the best big brother 

Worst moment this week: shopping again this week was a nightmare ... E was not a happy camper and wanted to be carried the whole time which of course I couldn't do. Thankfully my little brother's gf was with us and was the most amazing helper! 

Food cravings: cola drinks and chilled nashi pears together or on their own. I'm also loving our variation broccoli salad with apple cider vinegar and fresh warm scones whipped up in the tmx with lots of butter.

Happy or Moody most of the time: easier to tears and frustration this week as the future is looking a little overwhelming but I'm definitely happy!

Looking forward to: the simple things ... A few days with my boys as S is off till Wednesday so we have some fun plans lined up and then looking forward to having some fun with E starting at rhyme time on Wednesday morning.

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