
Monthly update: 22 months


Stats & clothes: 

He is in size 2 but we are still squeezing the most out of some of his 12-18m tees thanks to an unseasonably warm snap we are having. Hurry up cold! I have gorgeous puffer vests, knits and button downs waiting to be worn.

Favorite Foods: 
We are all about bikkies this month so luckily I've discovered mini natural gingerbread men to at least keep the sugar in check. I've also been baking mini lime coconut cupcakes that are a big hit. Surprisingly, Easter confirmed E isnt really a chocolate kid or the eggs and bunnies just confused him but he really didn't eat any despite being given ample opportunity.

Favorite Words: 
Mister Mimic this month, E is repeating almost anything we say and us putting so many words together. Our favourite phrases are 'Oh wow' used in context when he is excited about something. 'Woah' is also another he uses when overwhelmed and we are seeing a huge assertion of self with lots of 'no Einy do'. He's also moved on from just calling out 'mummy' over and over when he wants me, instead going with 'muuuuummmeeee where you' ... Too cute!

Favorite Activities: 
His make believe play and his Toy Story obsession continue to explode and amaze us. Woody, Buzz, the Potato Heads and new Easter addition, Bullseye continue to be constantly by his side or in his arms and he actually has them interact. It's amazing to watch.
He is also enjoying puzzles and pulls them out at least once a day to do. I try to encourage patience and stay hands off with this activity so he can really learn and he seems to be figuring it all out however sometimes his 22m temper gets the better of him and pieces get tossed and tears ensue.
Least Favorite Activities: 
Getting dressed is back on the black list of things he despises. We have all out tantrums for both dressing and undressing with screaming, thrashing and tears. Not fun having to pin him down but I know it will pass... Hopefully soon.

His Favorite Things: 
Reading has always been popular with E but is even more so now. He just loves books and as well as enjoying being read to, he will often now grab a book from the shelves, park himself down somewhere and tell me 'Einy read' and then garble words and turn pages. 
One of his other favourite toys this month has been his Tiny me name puzzle. He was given it for his first birthday and he now actually recognises that it spells his name and loves to sit and put the pieces in.
Toy Story and anything associated is a favourite so he was pretty thrilled at Easter to be given a branded lunch box, drink bottle, toy camera with Buzz voice, books etc..

My Favorite Things: 
Our portable DVD player for the car is a lifesaver, especially as the highway we drive every other day is undergoing extensive road works and a 10 min trip often takes 30 which is torturous with a child who has hated the car since birth. The player at least gives me some respite and keeps the boy calm and occupied.
I am loving the Tupperware sandwich keeper plus for Es kindy lunches. Lots of compartments that seal off mean that I can pack a good assortment of food and still adhere to the Kindy's rule of no wraps or plastic.
The Babylove ezy combo seat was bought in long term consideration for b2 graduating out of the capsule and E eventually needing a booster. Often on sale for around $180, it has the highest CREP rating for its type and E looks pretty comfy in it. It will also take him through till at least 6 years old so a good investment.

Other Milestones: 
Swimming lessons from as early as possible was something S and I felt very strongly about from a safety aspect. E started weekly at 4 months old and His swimming continues to progress at a great rate and he is now diving assisted to collect toys off the bottom of the pool. He has a great attitude around water with no fear but rather a healthy respect of it and his abilities. He knows he can't get in the pool unless mummy or daddy are in and he won't go beyond his depth unprompted.

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