
Pregnancy update: 37 weeks


How far along? 37 weeks ... Baby is full term.

Maternity clothes? No and life is a bit easier as I don't have to worry about dressing for work everyday at least so kookai singlets, CR shirred waist shorts, maxi skirts and dresses are my daily getup..

Stretchmarks? None (touch wood) and I gather it has a lot to do with genes so I owe my mum a good bottle of champagne if I make it unscathed..

Symptoms: like last week but with some definite inconsistent/non progressing contractions for good measure. We also had a membrane rupture scare that led to some monitoring but ended up a false alarm. I am starting to suspect b2 may have turned posterior given a lot of the pain in the contractions was in my lower back as it was withmy labour of E.

Sleep: back to being quite good this week once I finally get comfortable with only one wake up which isn't too bad.

Miss Anything? Bending over easily ... I drop something and am tempted to just leave it lately, bending over is that inconvenient/difficult.

Movement: even the rolls and flexes are getting a little painful as baby is running out of room but it us fun to watch the play of movements across my tummy sometimes.
Best moment this week: having time to spend with my boys now that I'm on leave. S and I actually having a few days off together was a rare but now regular treat while Going to rhyme time with E was such a fun morning. I also enjoyed using my spend and save at Country Road to buy some hospital 'essentials' (as I told S), something for baby and some tops for me once baby is here. 

Worst moment this week: Es nap times have been less than fun with me lucky to get 45 minutes out of him and not without tears and tantrums. Hoping this is not going to be a regular occurrence! 

Food cravings: chocolate ice cream cravings hit me hard this week after I had one at Seaworld with S and E. I gave in and bought some Cadbury triple choc - delicious!

Happy or Moody most of the time: very happy although there were some tears early in the week after some trying days in Toddler Town.

Looking forward to: a date with my husband! We are going out for lunch and a movie while E has some time with my mum.

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