
Pregnancy Update: 33 weeks


How far along? 33 weeks ... only 2.5 weeks till maternity leave starts and 5-6 weeks before we meet B2! S actually had a mini freak out earlier in the week exclaiming we hadn't done anything to get ready for the baby and its all snuck up on him. Cue laughter from me and the reassurance that all we have to do is put the capsule in the car, everything essential has been done/organised otherwise.

Maternity clothes? No maternity wear this week again - it was insanely humid so I lived in jersey maxi dresses on the weekend and my Country Road elastic waisted pants for work. Pictured: Country Road jersey dress from 4 or 5 seasons ago.

Stretchmarks? None to speak of but we are in the danger zone now so I'm lathering often.

Symptoms: baby is very low and pushing right down so walking is getting a little uncomfortable but otherwise just the usual tiredness, constant peeing and feeling full after just a few bites of food because my stomach has been squished to pea size. 

Sleep: its deep when I get there but I'm having clockwork 4:30am wakeups for the bathroom and then E joins us around 5/5:30am and tosses and turns and cuddles till 6am when we give up and S usually gets up with him.

Miss Anything? No not by now because there is only a few weeks till I can have most of it again anyway.

Movement: lots of wriggling and hiccups and big response to Ethan's singing or playing ... B2 went crazy yesterday when E started singing twinkle twinkle loudly! Loves big brother already. 

Best moment this week: my Ob appointment to finalise B2's delivery and the reassurance and peace of mind it has given me moving forward - I will do a separate post discussing this. I also had a perfect Sunday with E - we met up with a gf and her son at the local rockpools for a play and milkshake day. You couldn't wipe the grin off my boy's face and I had fun catching up with my gf.

Worst moment this week: Hearing at my Ob checkup that my BP is right up and needs close monitoring from now as if pre-eclampsia is going to strike again, this is the time. I am also not enjoying the lower back pain that never seems to leave now and the aching shoulder blades I seem to get overnight. Saturday was also a lowlight with an uncooperative tantrum throwing toddler who seems to have found his ability to screech/scream indiscriminately to convey displeasure ... but we survived.

Food cravings: still cold fruit, cola drinks, mint slice briscuits and cheddar crackers. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: like last week, there have been lots of tears this week too. Some have been unhappy, stressed and or overwhelmed tears but they don't last long and are a good release because once they stop, I feel much better. Its just a crazy time with lots to take on board so I expect the tears are pretty normal.

Looking forward to: starting maternity leave in a couple of weeks and 'nesting' around the house - I have a few projects/rooms/cupboards I want to attack before baby arrives

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