



  • The new Mary Higgins Clark book, 'I've got you under my skin'. My favourite author, I can never put her books down but the only problem is, there is too long between books for my liking.
  • Brown knee high flat boots. I found the perfect black pair for Winter (for a ridiculous sale price on The Iconic) but unfortunately the brown was all sold out. I don't want to spend too much just yet as I would like to see if I get wear out of the colour and style this coming Winter then invest in a better pair.
  • Sleep! I can't get enough lately so a few days of rest would do me so much good.


  • Feeding singlets and nursing bras. I wore my last Lovable singlets to death with E and can still use them for home/bed but I'd like some new ones for out and about under cardigans and wraps. I also need some new nursing bras as my bust is much bigger already than last time but I am holding off buying in case I go up or down again after bub is born
  • A new fridge! Thankfully this is already on order through Scott's work. Our home layout is such that our kitchen is upstairs but our huge stainless steel double door fridge doesn't fit in the cavity - which we thankfully discovered before carting it up the stairs - so we've had a smaller regular fridge in the kitchen to hold the everyday items. That smaller fridge died this week and I am now having to trip up and down the stairs for even a drop of milk. Not ideal at 7 months pregnant and with a toddler underfoot but I guess the incidental exercise won't do me any harm.

Listening to

  • The Wiggles. You name it, we've got the CD. I don't mind so much because E dances and sings along both at home or in the car and watching him have so much fun makes me happy.
  • Toy Story on dvd in the car on constant repeat. E is obsessed with Woody and Buzz.
  • The Script, 6 degrees of Separation when I'm on my own in the car.


  • My 'to do' lists. Checking and double checking it constantly, adding to it and my favourite part, crossing things off!
  • Literature that relates to me last birth and my birthing options this time around with consideration to last time.


  • My thermomix! I don't know how I ever did without it but I'm glad I don't have to now. It just makes life so much easier... and healthier.
  • Going through all of E's newborn clothes and getting B2's wardrobe sorted. Its  hard to believe my big toddler was once so tiny. 
  • Our Bugaboo Donkey... and so is E. Its easy to assemble, push and maneuver, has lots of space for E and all the associated items I need to tote around for him. It also has plenty of room for shopping bags and my things too plus it doesn't hurt that it looks pretty stylish with its Happy Bugs hood.


  • The Block. I was addicted the last 2 seasons and am enjoying this one just as much. I think the twins are copping a bit of a raw deal from the judges, love everything the Super K's do, enjoying the fun dynamic between the boys and puzzling over how Steve & Chantel even made the show.
  • The Blacklist. Despite how incompetent it makes the FBI look, I juts adore James Spader and the show's content. I'm also glad its going to start delving into the husband's story a little more if the last ep I watched is anything to go by.


  • A scan scheduled for next week. Its still so exciting to see baby on screen wriggling and waving.
  • Starting maternity leave. Just 5 and a half weeks to go and with some big events coming up at work, they are going to fly.
  • The arrival of B2 of course! I cannot wait to find out if we will have another little boy or a new adventure start with a little girl. I'm excited for newborn cuddles and for giving E a sibling to love.


  • The birth of B2 and sleepless nights ahead. I'm not sure knowing what to expect the second time around makes things easier or worse... in my case, a little bit worse I expect but that is because E's birth was a bit of an ordeal in hindsight and then he had silent reflux so was a non sleeping handful. The good thing is, I know that both of those will pass and are minuscule in the scheme of things so dreading might be a bit of a strong word.

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  1. Hopefully after a more difficult time with E you get surprised by an easy-peasy B2! I will cross my fingers for you.


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