Monthly update: 21 months
21 Months ... and in 1 month (or less) my baby will be a big brother!
No weighing or measuring this month but I suspect we have been through a growth spurt as the crotch on some of his shorts no longer seem deep enough..
Size 2 for tops, a size 6! for shoes and anywhere from a 1 to 2 for shorts/pants depending on the brand.
'Niiiiccce' is also a popular one if he is eating or drinking something enjoyable. He takes a bite or a sip, sighs and smacks his lips together then tells me its 'niiiiccce'.
He's getting to be such a wonderful communicator with a range of sentences and linking words to make himself understood. It so much fun having a chat to him and its super cute when he gets so excited about something that he descends into rapid toddler babble.
Given his intense love for all things Toy Story and his Woody doll from Christmas, we had decided to buy him a Buzz Lightyear Doll when B2 arrives. After am particularly great day with E however, S decided E deserved a treat and went ahead and bought one to indulge him. I have to say I wasn't impressed and we argued for a little while over holding it back but in the end I caved and E's delight made it well worth it. Now Buzz and Woody go everywhere and like in the movie, E has insisted we write 'Einy' on each toys' foot where 'Andy' is normally written. Funnily, he also insisted I write 'Einy' on his foot one night so he could match his toys ... I won't lie, I was tempted to write 'mummy'.
Toy Story has also increased his absolute love for his Potato Head set and he will sit for ages assembling the oddest looking Potato Head creations then has them talk to one another or interact with his trucks etc. Its super cute to watch as you can imagine and is great for his fine motor skills, learning to assemble the faces and secure them in the correct slots.
My Favorite Things:
My MIL bought one of the Aldi Kids Kreation Toilet Trainers a couple of weeks ago and after realising how much E liked it and actually asked to use it, it was a no brainer that we needed one for home. Its a great device that makes it easy for E to use the toilet in our downstairs powder room and means we can leave the potty upstairs.
Dymples training underwear from Big W were also a new buy this month in preparation for more toilet training and I'm pretty happy with them. Well made and sized for E, they have some extra fabric and plastic lining around the crotch area and come in packs of 3 for just $7.
Now that E is in his big boy bed, I am loving the Pottery Barn quilt we bought for is. A great weight for our climates, its a beautiful piece of bedding, well made and of soft quality fabrics. It seems oversized for a single bed which is also a plus and I love that it is a piece that we can continue to use at any age. I bought it on sale and it was definitely well worth the $100 or just under I paid for it.
No weighing or measuring this month but I suspect we have been through a growth spurt as the crotch on some of his shorts no longer seem deep enough..
Size 2 for tops, a size 6! for shoes and anywhere from a 1 to 2 for shorts/pants depending on the brand.
Favorite Foods:
Tuna mornay is a popular one this month - ugh ... I hate tuna but whipped up a batch of this packed with veggies and E loved it so who am I to argue. He is also obsessed with Heinz Fruit Shredz and lives for the moments we leave the pantry door open to grab a packet with all out tantrums ensuing if we refuse them. I've also realised how lucky we are in regards to E's diet that we have next to no battles over eating veggies. Every night his dinner includes steamed corn, carrot and broc or peas and he eats almost all of the serve every time without fuss. I still sneak extra veg in to other things like grated carrot & zucchini in sausage rolls or rissoles but overall, veggies just aren't a drama which is nice.
Tuna mornay is a popular one this month - ugh ... I hate tuna but whipped up a batch of this packed with veggies and E loved it so who am I to argue. He is also obsessed with Heinz Fruit Shredz and lives for the moments we leave the pantry door open to grab a packet with all out tantrums ensuing if we refuse them. I've also realised how lucky we are in regards to E's diet that we have next to no battles over eating veggies. Every night his dinner includes steamed corn, carrot and broc or peas and he eats almost all of the serve every time without fuss. I still sneak extra veg in to other things like grated carrot & zucchini in sausage rolls or rissoles but overall, veggies just aren't a drama which is nice.
Favorite Words:
The favourite word of the month is 'Einy's' ... this is E's pronunciation of his name and he uses it constantly to tell me he wants to do something by himself (mister independence) or to indicate ownership or to tell me he wants something. Its super cute and I have to remind myself to use Ethan when referring to him, not just Einy. 'Niiiiccce' is also a popular one if he is eating or drinking something enjoyable. He takes a bite or a sip, sighs and smacks his lips together then tells me its 'niiiiccce'.
He's getting to be such a wonderful communicator with a range of sentences and linking words to make himself understood. It so much fun having a chat to him and its super cute when he gets so excited about something that he descends into rapid toddler babble.
Favorite Activities:
This month he is all about sand and his diggers. My parents built a big sandpit for the grandkids so he is in heaven there and they also gave E a big plastic Thomas Tank shell and filled it with sand for home so he loves to sit and play with his CAT trucks and then traipse the sand through the house afterwards.
Toy Story has also become quite the obsession and scarily, my not yet 2 year old will sit occupied for the entire playtime of the movie ... this from the kid who doesn't have the attention span to watch a 15 minute Peppa Pig episode in full. He's not choosy and will very happily watch any of the 3 movies so I try to limit this to the car DVD player in traffic or if I'm desperately trying to cook dinner on my own and he's in a terrible mood.
Least Favorite Activities:
This month he is all about sand and his diggers. My parents built a big sandpit for the grandkids so he is in heaven there and they also gave E a big plastic Thomas Tank shell and filled it with sand for home so he loves to sit and play with his CAT trucks and then traipse the sand through the house afterwards.
Toy Story has also become quite the obsession and scarily, my not yet 2 year old will sit occupied for the entire playtime of the movie ... this from the kid who doesn't have the attention span to watch a 15 minute Peppa Pig episode in full. He's not choosy and will very happily watch any of the 3 movies so I try to limit this to the car DVD player in traffic or if I'm desperately trying to cook dinner on my own and he's in a terrible mood.
Least Favorite Activities:
Its been a really good month here with no all out refusals of anything really except Daddy trying to put him to bed ... poor daddy but its all about mummy this month and tears ensue if daddy doesn't get out of the way.
His Favorite Things:
E was gifted a Little Tikes BBQ set from his grandparents for Christmas but we only just assembled it a few weeks ago. He was given so many new toys that we wanted to stagger them a little to ensure E would get the most out them. As his 'playing' and 'pretend' have really developed in the past month or so, it was perfect timing and he loves to 'cook' for us and serve us hotdogs and burgers, pretending to eat themToy Story has also increased his absolute love for his Potato Head set and he will sit for ages assembling the oddest looking Potato Head creations then has them talk to one another or interact with his trucks etc. Its super cute to watch as you can imagine and is great for his fine motor skills, learning to assemble the faces and secure them in the correct slots.
My Favorite Things:
My MIL bought one of the Aldi Kids Kreation Toilet Trainers a couple of weeks ago and after realising how much E liked it and actually asked to use it, it was a no brainer that we needed one for home. Its a great device that makes it easy for E to use the toilet in our downstairs powder room and means we can leave the potty upstairs.
Dymples training underwear from Big W were also a new buy this month in preparation for more toilet training and I'm pretty happy with them. Well made and sized for E, they have some extra fabric and plastic lining around the crotch area and come in packs of 3 for just $7.
Now that E is in his big boy bed, I am loving the Pottery Barn quilt we bought for is. A great weight for our climates, its a beautiful piece of bedding, well made and of soft quality fabrics. It seems oversized for a single bed which is also a plus and I love that it is a piece that we can continue to use at any age. I bought it on sale and it was definitely well worth the $100 or just under I paid for it.
Other Milestones:
E is becoming very developed in his pretend play, for example he pretends to cook/BBQ food for us and serve it or pretend to eat it himself with sound effects for good measure. He has been doing this but a little less involved the past few months but it seems his imagination has come along leaps and the BBQ set will occupy him for ages. He also likes to have his toys act out, pretending his Potato Head is eating his cereal complete with 'yummy yummy yummy'
We are also making some really positive toilet training headway with E often telling us when he needs to go and sitting on the potty, the step/seat we got and even just on the regular toilet itself. I now just need to bite the bullet and plan some days at home to really focus on getting him in underwear during the day.
And in especially big milestones for us, E is sleeping in his big boy bed in his own room! We've even had a few STTNs which is very positive while other nights he just needs a resettle somewhere around 12/1am. Its a start and in our books, its a good one.
E is becoming very developed in his pretend play, for example he pretends to cook/BBQ food for us and serve it or pretend to eat it himself with sound effects for good measure. He has been doing this but a little less involved the past few months but it seems his imagination has come along leaps and the BBQ set will occupy him for ages. He also likes to have his toys act out, pretending his Potato Head is eating his cereal complete with 'yummy yummy yummy'
We are also making some really positive toilet training headway with E often telling us when he needs to go and sitting on the potty, the step/seat we got and even just on the regular toilet itself. I now just need to bite the bullet and plan some days at home to really focus on getting him in underwear during the day.
And in especially big milestones for us, E is sleeping in his big boy bed in his own room! We've even had a few STTNs which is very positive while other nights he just needs a resettle somewhere around 12/1am. Its a start and in our books, its a good one.
"Einy", so cute! Hugo is "Ey-go". Part of me really hates that they grow out of this and will start talking properly one day!
ReplyDeleteTell me about it Kacie ... I dread the day he loses his baby pronunciations and little lisp. x
DeleteLove toddler-ese! We call Evelyn "Avvie" and my husband is "Voot" both as christened by my niece x
ReplyDeleteHi Renee! I'm Heather and I just wanted to know if you could answer a question about your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)