Pregnancy update: 30 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still making do with my regular wardrobe for the most part and praying for cooler weather as my Autumn/Winter wardrobe is looking much comfier right now - leggings anyone?
Stretchmarks? none so far.
Symptoms: all the fun stuff like tiredness, heartburn from just a glass of water, general discomfort and an urge to pee constantly from baby pushing down. All the coughing from my chest infection is also playing havoc with my pelvic floors so I'm working hard on those exercises you can be sure.
Sleep: not enough! E seems to have become ultra clingy to me and is waking around 4am wanting constant reassurance of my presence... this of course coincides with my waking up with an urge to pee anyway.
Miss Anything? I would love some cough medicine and a Kirin cider or three.
Movement: B2 seems to get very active in the afternoon and late evening with lots of kicking and rolling I can see just from looking down as space becomes premium in there.
Best moment this week: securing tickets to The Wiggles latest local show in May - granted I may have a one week old at the time but E is going to go crazy! Taking delivery of our new Thermomix was pretty exciting too and putting it into action even more so. Being able to whip up meals for us and E that take only minutes and have nothing but fresh ingredients definitely makes me happy ... and gives me hope for us and our future nutrition with a newborn in the house. I also had fun pulling out newborn clothes storage boxes of E's and my niece L. My mum had kindly washed and divided the boxes to unisex, boys and girls before storing them so I have put away all the white and unisex in B2's wardrobe with the pink and blue boxes on standby. Considering I counted around 15 Bonds wondersuits in white alone, I'm pretty sure I can't justify much shopping this tiem around.
Worst moment this week: still having a cold, the broken sleep and having the return of an upset clingy toddler who only wants mummy therefore daddy is feeling a little sensitive.
Food cravings: microwave popcorn ... I'd happily eat it for lunch or dinner most days.
Belly Button in or out? its out and I'm hoping it goes back in! Even E laughs at it.
Happy or Moody most of the time: feeling happy and excited to meet our baby but starting to feel a little anxious again about the impact the coming changes will have on E.
Looking forward to: nothing specific in the immediate week so much apart from time spent with my boys.