
Countdown to do list before B2 arrives


Time is ticking down and there is still so much to do before B2 arrives!

I kind of hate that the whole nursery and any decorating decisions are on hold until B2 arrives as we don't know the sex but E never slept in his nursery or spent much time in there so I guess it really doesn't matter in the scheme of things. On the plus? Its one thing I don't need to add to my to do list!

A birth plan is also something else I can skip this time around too. After spending hours on researching and writing it last time and it never making it out of my labour bag, I am willing to let this go. Writing one served its purpose last time and that was to allow me to feel organised and in control and this time I feel that way already having a reasonable idea of what is to come. I'm also confident of my abilities to advocate for myself and for Scott to support me and know what I want if I can't advocate for myself at any stage. I know what I'm capable of now, my options and choices and that really makes all the difference. At the end of the day, I realise birth is a means to an end and don't really care how it happens as long as I am holding a healthy baby at the end of it all.

So here goes, this is my current to do list:
1.     Pack hospital bags for B2 and for me - I will do a separate post on this with my must haves & not necessaries from last time around
2.     Install our Maxi Cosi capsule in the car for B2 - it looks like we will put it behind the drivers seat and leave E where he is behind the passenger seat.
3.     Get as much practice in folding and assembling our Bugaboo Donkey before I have the added pressure of a newborn and an antsy toddler waiting on me.
4.     Put together E's 'Big Brother' pack for hospital - some books, crayons & colouring paper, some small toys/games, stickers and a biggish item like a doll or toy - Buzz Lightyear likely now he's loving Toy Story.
5.     Prepare a reading basket of new books I've bought for E to enjoy when I'm feeding B2.
6.     Start taking my Raspberry Leaf Tea tablets from around 32 weeks ... not sure if they worked or not last time but my uterus definitely contracted quickly according to my Ob and I had great milk production without oversupply from the beginning.
7.     Start my maternity leave! The plan is to start from 36/37 weeks which will be at Easter time however there is flexibility for me to go earlier if need be.
8.     Stock up the freezer with meat and some meals for E, Scott and I. So far I have lasgana, risotto, beef stroganoff, homemade meat pie and zucchini slice
9.     Continue spending lots of quality time with E, prepping him for what is to come and making the most of being with just him. I plan on including some theme park days too if I can manage while it’s just him to take out.
10. Dig out our baby bjorn carrier, bouncer, swing etc and check batteries, wash fabrics etc and get everything in working order.
11. Choose an announcement card and find a newborn photographer - the lady that did E's pictures is now interstate. I like these three from Etsy depending on the sex - I love the idea of E announcing the arrival especially:

12. Prepare the basics for a 'meet the baby' morning tea I'm planning to host once bub is born and rope mum and my sis into helping me out.
13. Pick up E's big boy bed and start the transition - fingers crossed as I'm really not sure how this is going to play out at all.
14. Confirm arrangements for E's care when I am in labour/hospital - with my parents only across the road from us, it makes total sense that they are on call to come stay with E if I go into labour spontaneously, especially in the middle of the night however we are lucky enough to be surrounded by family so if need be, we can also call on my mother in law or sister at anytime too and they can be there in under an hour.
15. Clean out my wardrobe and ebay some items I know I am definitely never going to wear again.
16. Get some rest once I start leave including daytime naps and a couple of pajama days while E is at kindy/grandma's house.

I think that's it for now but I'm sure I will add to it as we go and more things pop into my head.

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