
Baby showers, sprinkles and more


I attended a friend's baby shower over the weekend and the subject of a shower for me to celebrate B2's impending arrival came up as a result. A few were quite enthusiastic about the idea and assumed it was a given. A few others suggested a Sprinkle instead of a shower. I have noticed the rise of the Baby Sprinkle in recent times for second and subsequent pregnancies - it's basically a baby shower on a smaller scale for those of you wondering.

Now as much as the idea of a gathering of good friends, good food and a celebration appeals, there are a few reasons why I've decided I won't be having a shower or a sprinkle for B2. Let me preface by saying that my reasons for not having one are purely personal only and I think if you want one and your friends are on board then go for it. For me though:

  • I had a beautiful big shower for E thrown by my sister complete with games, decorations and well attended by family, good friends, work colleagues etc.
  • Friends and family will either want to or feel obligated to bring a gift which is lovely but as we don't know B2's sex and have all the basics to suit a newborn of either sex including bedding, pram toys, neutral rompers etc. I feel like there is nothing especially necessary anyone can gift that I won't just buy after the sex is known and I would also hate for those same people to feel they need to then buy a gender suitable gift again when the baby is born.
  • With only 22 months between children and having had a big shower for E, it might appear to be a present grab to some and while those who know me well know it wouldn't be the case, its still a perception I would prefer to avoid.
  • The games and excitement that make up much of a first time mum to be's shower obviously aren't present in subsequent showers and I don't really require any advice ... At least not just yet.

With all this in mind and after speaking to family and friends, I have decided instead to host a 'meet the baby' morning tea at my home a few weeks after bub arrives. I figure this gives all my good friends a chance to visit and meet the new baby without a never ending stream of visitors in hospital or during the early weeks at home. It will be fun to plan B2's introduction and I may even consider combining it in part with Ethan's 2nd birthday (just cake, nothing big) but that will all depend on when B2 makes the big arrival.

Did you have a baby shower or sprinkle?

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