
Baby Sales are on now


Its that time of the year where the baby sales have started ... yes, this is my life, I know when the baby sales start now ;) In case you didn't know, Target has their baby catalogue out now at http://catalogues.target.com.au/catalogue/target-catalogue--baby/13899126488415.html#pageNo=0 as does Baby Bunting.

Here are a few items we have picked up for E and for B2... I may be severely limited in my purchases for B2 not knowing the sex but that doesn't mean I can't make the most of E's last season fitting the babywear section!

Target was my first port of call (online of course) and I bought the final pieces of E's (already extremely extensive) winter wardrobe - don't you love the navy neon yellow grey marle colours?, some singlets for B2 - I'm a stickler for singlets under clothes for newborns thanks to my mum and granny, newborn nappies - you can never have enough and its one thing I don't want to have to be ducking out for with a toddler and newborn, a couple of neutral rompers for B2 - E lived in Bonds and these Target suits when he was born and they wash so well - and .

I also bought a few necessities from Baby Bunting including the Babylove Ezy Combo booster seat for E. With B2's arrival we have decided to use our Maxi Cosi capsule again then pop baby in E's convertible till 4 years seats and get E a new seat. The Babylove Ezy Combo is suitable from 6 months to 8 years and along with the Infa Secure, it has the highest safety rating for its category on CREP. On sale at the moment, its a steal for $189 given you can spend over $500 for lesser rated seats.

E has a lot of beautiful classic books we and friends and family have bought for him but S and I made two special purchases before he was born with the intention of reading them to E from birth. We bought Love You Forever and On the Night You Were Born and have read them to E almost every day since we came home from hospital. He loves books and these two especially, settling next to us straight away for them or bringing them to us and sitting in our lap. While B2 will be able to share E's book collection, we want to find 2 special books we can share with baby in the same way we have for E. I found this beautiful Baby Bedtime by Mem Fox (love all her books) which is perfect and am also considering Kissed by the Moon by Alison Lester or another Nancy Tillman book like The Crown on Your Head or Wherever You Are. I will probably get all 3, earmark one for B2 and share the other 2 between our children.

We've also decided to buy a second  video monitor for B2. We love our Oricom Secure 710 video monitor we use for E and have decided with the move to transition him to his own room, we would prefer the peace of mind of continuing to use the monitor in his room to reassure ourselves he is okay without having to get up to check on him. With this in mind, so that I am not potentially carrying two monitor units around the house though (I'm clearly dreaming imagining I will have both asleep at the same time), we have elected to buy an iBaby monitor that is compatible with my iPhone and iPad devices for B2. A friend uses both monitors for her 2 children and finds they suit her family's needs well and give her good peace of mind.

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  1. Lachie received Kissed by the moon as a gift on the weekend and it's just just beautiful. Gets my vote!


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