
Pregnancy update: 24 weeks


How far along? 24 weeks ... the end is near... enough! Only about 10 weeks of work to go. 

Maternity clothes? nope still managing with my normal wardrobe surprisingly given how big the bump is getting.

Stretchmarks? none so far.

Symptoms: the usual BH contractions, heartburn and throw in some restless legs too. I suspected the calf/leg cramps had started too after waking one morning but it seems to be a one off so far. 

Sleep: its getting uncomfortable as I keep trying to roll on to my tummy and I never seem to feel like I have enough to feel rested this week.

Miss Anything? pretty much getting used to all the no go's now so nothing really.

Movement: lots of kicking and wriggling this week but still trying to time it so E can feel it.

Best moment this week: putting in my maternity leave forms with work and realising I am so much better placed this time around to have at least a whole 12 months off with the new baby and my gorgeous boy. 

Worst moment this week: .

Food cravings: chocolate bavarian! The cheap frozen dessert you buy at the supermarket! I had this same craving in the 3rd trimester with E so I'm not surprised and am just trying to limit myself to a small piece every second night.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing new so at least I know what to steer away from.

Belly Button in or out? its definitely going to pop this time much to my shock.

Happy or Moody most of the time: I've found myself more emotional this week and prone to easy tears but mostly happy and looking forward to all that is to come.

Looking forward to: picking up our new car and the new pram - I need some time to practice with that gadget before B2 gets here!

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