
Pregnancy update: 26 weeks


How far along? 26 
weeks ... I'll be on mat leave before I know it at this rate.

Maternity clothes? Nada ... Still sticking to my stretchy waisted Country Road pieces.

Stretchmarks? No.

Symptoms: annoyingly I seem to have developed a twitchy right eyelid ... apparently common in pregnancy due to stress and fatigue. The Braxton Hicks too are ever present as is the shortness of breath from even the slightest exertion but feeling good.

Sleep: waking earlier than I need to and lots of tossing and turning - prepping me for life with a newborn already.

Miss Anything? I miss not having to worry - about what I'm eating, doing, if I'm eating enough or the right things, resting enough, feeling ok etc.

Movement: baby is a busy bee in the evening and whenever E is causing a commotion - b2 reacts to big brother's voice like crazy.

Best moment this week: the best was having my maternity leave fully and officially approved - 12 months at least off with my babies, how lucky am I! Picking up the new double pram was a bit of a highlight too but assembling it, not so much. Catching up with a gorgeous girlfriend for breakfast was also lovely and so relaxed without our munchkins to chase. 

Worst moment this week: the GD test wasn't horrible but it's never fun drinking liquid sugar then having bloods drawn.

Food cravings: same as last week, I'm devouring mango, mint slice biscuits, Nodco coffee milks iced and had a crazy craving for wagon wheels even though I don't like marshmallow and haven't had one in years!

Anything making you queasy or sick: having some mid morning nausea and again in the afternoons but otherwise still just meat is making me queasy.

Belly Button in or out? I'm still adjusting to the fact that it's out 😩

Happy or Moody most of the time: it's been a good week overall but we had a sick baby who wouldn't sleep and I found myself very near tears or actually in tears on several occasions.

Looking forward to: celebrating Valentines Day with my boys by making treats for E and hoping S likes his gift.

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  1. I like your weekly updates :-) I would do something similar but I think it's too late now

    1. Thanks Heids - its a nice way for me to keep a pregnancy diary to look back on I figure :)


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