
Pregnancy update: 27 weeks


How far along? 27 weeks ... the 3rd trimester is almost here!.

Maternity clothes? Still none, just getting lots of wear out of stretchy clothes right now but getting sick of the rapidly reducing options.

Stretchmarks? none thus far so still lathering with my Mothercare stretchmark cream - helps that it smells amazing..

Symptoms: that twitchy right eyelid I spoke about is sticking around with a vengeance and driving me crazy. I also seem to have caught S & E's cold which means I've mostly been feeling average at best and you don't even want to know what at worst. Snotty, chesty and achy with a sore throat ... and there is nohing I can take for it!

Sleep: lots of waking to go to the bathroom again but sleeping solidly otherwise.

Miss Anything? Cold and flu tablets!

Movement: the kicking is definitely much stronger and it feels like baby is occasionally hanging from my ribs - uncomfortable to say the least.

Best moment this week: was date night on Valentines Day with S. We just went to a movie but it was so nice to relax and have some time out. 

Worst moment this week: this cold that doesn't seem to be budging and that along with a whingy whiny toddler is not so fun.

Food cravings: Iced coffee milk extra cold, Whitmans coconut chocolate, chocolate yogos, mint choc biscuits (ummmm how did I never know about mint Tim Tams!) and mangos! Hey, at least there is some fruit in there.

Anything making you queasy or sick: not this week, feeling good as long as I make sure I eat.

Belly Button in or out? Its very definitely out.

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy for the most part and trying to exercise patience to keep it that way.

Looking forward to: a whole lot of online shopping parcels arriving for me this week - I love to self-gift - and collecting a layby featuring the final pieces of Ethan's Winter wardrobe and some bits for B2.

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