
Valentines Day 2014


Valentines Day has never really been a big deal in our home ... we always exchange small gifts and Scott always buys me roses but that's about it. This year is different however in that I have committed myself to making every holiday a fun one for E (and subsequently us) in 2014 and beyond so with that in mind, Valentines Day is about to become a big deal in our house. Not so much on the present/gifting front but more in the decorations, crafting and themeing.

I have bought Scott a canvas print of one of our favourite photos of us sailing on Tokyo Bay during the trip we took right before we found I was pregnant with E. I can see it hanging on the big bare wall facing our bed so hopefully he agrees. In return, I have 'suggested' he gift me with the new Glasshouse Limited Edition, Hong Kong. He bought me the Kyoto version last V-Day so its really not much of a stretch but I will certainly appreciate and enjoy it.

Presents aside, thanks to pinterest I intend to master the following special Valentines Day meals/treats for E. Its a kindy day for him so we will start it with heart shaped pancakes and then I thought I could send along a small heart shaped cake to share with his class as well as some Valentines fruit pops:

Valentines Day

Ethan and I also got crafty on Sunday afternoon as the weather was so dreary and I 'helped' him make some Valentines cards to give to his grandmothers, cousins and beloved aunty 'Kaaaarrrr-keeeee'. They were pretty simple, I just stocked up on some pre-made red cards and let E go crazy with glitter, stickers and the like. We used mostly just double sided tape to stick everything down - safe and effective. On reflection, E is probably a little young for an intensive craft effort like the session we did but he had fun and next time I will stretch it out over a few days.

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