
Daily beauty routine & my must haves


My daily beauty routine is pretty basic ... in fact my special occasion beauty routine is not much different either.

With a toddler underfoot, a pressing need for maximising sleep (B2), a husband to organise and get off to work not to mention getting myself out the door and on time, I tossed out my 10+ step product routine long ago and keep it very simple now.

I have just started using the Arbonne Calm range of cleanser, serum, moisturiser and eye cream on my skin and so far so good. It leaves my face feeling beautifully soft and never dry or oily. I use it morning and night and for an average day of work or errands, I apply some CC cream (loving the Arbonne light at the moment for its silky texture and medium coverage), dust with my go to Estee Lauder Double Wear mineral powder, a little Nars Orgasm on my cheeks (cannot beat this colour for any occasion, just build for night time looks) and slick on some Chanel Initmitable mascara.

Sometimes I go all out and even put some eye shadow on - my favourite is still the first I ever bought, Clinique Strawberry Fudge duo as the colours are pigmented and go on well as a light or dark application. I don't usually bother with lipliner for daytime and lipstick doesn't get applied till I'm in the car and stopped at a red light to save S & E's faces and my everyday choice is Chanel Rouge Coco in Mademoiselle - supposedly the most universally flattering lip shade of all along with Nars Dolce Vita which I also use.

For night time looks, I use a thicker base of Smashbox Studio Skin liquid foundation (I like a medium to heavy cover but not mask-like), liven up with a brighter lip (I'm still loving MAC Girl About Town) and darker eyes using Chanel eyeliner as its still the smoothest creamiest application with Nars Bali and Cairo eye shadows blended then I'm good to go.

I have to admit here, I'm a product junkie despite having a minimal routine now and in my younger years I had no brand loyalty at all... I tried every brand of foundation imaginable from Chanel to Revlon and I still like to switch it up but the products I mentioned above have all been in rotation now for more than a few years as I've come to learn what works best for me in application, time, colour and with my skin.

What are your go to time saving tips and favourite beauty products?

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  1. Love the products you've featured today!

    I have my routine down to under 5 minutes:
    - Garnier BB cream and undereye BB concealer, both in medium
    - MAC studio fix powder on top
    - Rimmel maximeyes nude eyeliner all over the lid if I'm feeling fancy
    - MAC naked lunch es over whole lid
    - line with either a Models Prefer brown pencil or my Maybelline one
    - Maybelline the falsies flared mascara
    - highlight with Guerlain's meteorites in beige
    - cheeks are usually Laura Mercier's mandarin powder blush

    Lips are usually done at work after my coffee - models prefer gloss pencil in kiss l& makeup a nice golden pink or nothing to hide - a deep red.

    SSG xxx

    1. You've given me some new ones to try :)
      I should have also mentioned I still use and was using good old Garnier BB cream from your long ago rec in conjunction with the Arbonne version.

  2. Definitely hear you on the beauty/makeup routine post-baby! I use the Dermalogica sensitive range twice daily - as for makeup, I swear by MAC face&body and Melba blush, plus I get my eyelashes tinted so a quick curl and I'm good to go!

    1. I must remember to arange to have my lashes tinted - a mascara wand can be a dangerous tool with a whining toddler at your feet!

  3. Everyone seems to love Nars Orgasm except me! I'm too white. And who wants to bother with a big make up routine anyway :-P Mine is pressed powder (Clinque or Laura Mercier), eyebrow pencil and some sort of lippy/balm/gloss.


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