
Pregnancy Update: 25 weeks


How far along? 25 weeks ... and counting down. 

Maternity clothes? not this week but I'm starting to get sick of some of the outfits I have on rotation so I clearly either need to go shopping or the seasons need to hurry up and change so I can wheel out some of my cooler weather gear for a change..

Stretchmarks? still absent thankfully although I had a friend kindly recommend this week I buy some SM cream from a skincare line she is selling as it was known for reducing them. I have to admit to be a little insulted she just assumed I already had them :/

Symptoms: lots of Braxton Hicks still ... are they supposed top make labour easier/more efficient? Sadly the nausea also seems to have made a random return the past two mornings and has left me feeling blergh along with feelings of being out of breath constantly. That said, I am still enjoying a pretty great pregnancy and feel very lucky overall.

Sleep: the last few nights have involved lots of wakeups, lots of dreaming and lots of very full bladder discomfort ... the downhill stretch perhaps?

Miss Anything? after a few long dramatic days over the past week, an ice cold beer or sav blanc would have been welcomed like you wouldn't believe.

Movement: baby seems to have a whole lots of energy in the afternoons and when I finally sit down and settle in to watch The Block once E is in bed... hoping this is not a pattern for life on the outside.

Best moment this week: lots of little ones that combine to make the bigger picture of B2's impending arrival a reality like picking up the new 'family' car, selling our current Bugaboo cameleon (replacing with the donkey) and shopping the baby sales for newborn items. 

Worst moment this week: while we don't live a fairytale, I don't have any worst moments to share this week either. We are all healthy and well so life is good.

Food cravings: my chocolate intake is definitely up, namely Whitmans coconut bars and mint slice biscuits  however in my defence, I am also eating lots of mango, watermelon and white nectarines too. I also can't get through the morning it seems without an ice cold Norco coffee milk.

Anything making you queasy or sick: waking up the past two mornings has done that ... a sign to stay in bed perhaps? Try telling that to a 19 month old who walks around the house shouting 'mummmmmeeee' or 'nayyyyyyy' at 6:30am... and yes, he is calling me by my first name (nay for Renee) if he doesn't get a reply to 'mummmmmeeee' promptly.

Belly Button in or out? its out! Cue exasperated pained expression and hands in the air. Its a strange thing to adjust to surprisingly after 32 years of an innie... yes, I am being superficial.

Happy or Moody most of the time: very very happy ... this week I have been reminded once again of the beautiful people I have in my life and the love I and my little family are surrounded by. It makes me so excited to bring another baby into this circle to share that.

Looking forward to: taking a little time out for me this week and catching up with two of my favourite girlfriends this week to hearing about their overseas holidays - one jetted off to India and Nepal for January and the other, skiing in Japan! Oh, and booking tix to take E to see Playschool later in the year.

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