
Pregnancy update: 29 weeks


How far along? 29 weeks ... the 3rd trimester is really here and the end is so close.

Maternity clothes? My Isabella Oliver wrap tee arrived last week and I finally hot to wear it! Love if and would buy more if it was nursing friendly. I paired it with my JW mat jeans which I am now sure I hate - I cannot stand the over belly band.

Stretchmarks? Lots and lots of sweet almond oil based cream keeping them at bay.

Symptoms: the heartburn is beyond killer this week. I'm popping rennies like they're tic tacs and sleeping sitting up!

Sleep: between a non stop cough, congestion and the aforementioned heart burn, it's in seriously short supply.

Miss Anything? Drugs! The good strong cold and flu stuff!

Movement: big rounded movements demanding attention this week. B2 is realizing big brother commands a fair bit of attention and is getting in some practice I suspect.. 

Best moment this week: attending a beautiful friend's wedding and spending the following day with my boys enjoying the sunshine at Movieworld..  

Worst moment this week: my cold continuing with a horrid unshakeable cough. My Ob appointment was also not a favourite moment as it was a little emotional to have to discuss worst cases etc.

Food cravings: just cola this week otherwise not really hungry again.

Belly Button in or out? Out, highly noticeable and very odd looking. E likes to lift my top, poke it and giggle.

Happy or Moody most of the time: not moody but emotional this week considering our delivery options and what is best moving forward.

Looking forward to: this cold/chest infection passing, enjoying a week off and playing with my new kitchen helper - post on this to come.

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  1. wow this is wonderful site for every pregnant woman's.Because she can got each and every details on pregnancy week by week .


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