
Pregnancy update: 31 weeks


How far along? 31 weeks ... I'm now hanging out to know if we are having a boy or a girl! I still can't believe I've managed to last this long without giving in.

Maternity clothes? normal regular wardrobe is still making do and I'm reluctant to buy any maternity wear this far along as most of it isn't then nursing friendly so would be a waste of money for 7-8 weeks of wear.

Stretchmarks? none - my Mothercare cream is proving just as reliable as last time.

Symptoms: I've been having cramps, some stronger than others along with lower backpain, non-abating heartburn and pelvic pain ... yep, we're definitely on the downhill run. 

Sleep: blissful and coma-like, just not enough. I'm also having those crazy vivid pregnancy dreams again - last night it was about my 32 week scan where the radiographer said 'so, you know you're having twins right?' It was so real I felt like I had to call my parents to let them know.

Miss Anything? not really... although I'm making a list of things I want in hospital including a McDonald's chocolate sundae, a Kirin cider and a glass of good champagne - not necessarily all at once.

Movement: its pretty constant and B2 seems to be quite an active bub - particularly at around 8-10pm and 5-7am with lots of kicks, rolling and hiccups. I have to say I will really miss feeling baby move once born. 

Best moment this week: without a doubt, hanging out with E was the best moment of my week. He is growing so fast and in to the most delightful little guy. We had so much fun going out for milkshake dates, swimming, playing at home and visiting friends and I'm so excited about having the next 12 months at home with him. We also had dinner this week with close friends and their 2 gorgeous children and it was so much fun watching E play with the older children and the way they doted on him. It made me realise that once the initial upheaval of B2's arrival settles down, E is going to love being a big brother.

Worst moment this week: the aforementioned symptoms ramping up is definitely the worst.

Food cravings: fruit ... cold fruit like melons and Fuji apples especially.

Belly Button in or out? out and creeping me ... I think I'm going to have to start taping it.

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy for so many reasons but especially that I only have 4.5 weeks left of work.

Looking forward to: a scan and seeing baby later this week on screen.

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  1. So happy to read that all is well.

    SSG xxx

    1. Thank you lovely.
      I hope all is well with you and that gorgeous boy!


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