
What a day


It feels like we were go go go today and while yes we were busy, it certainly wasn't crazily so. That said, I had the best day just hanging out with my boy running errands and playing. This was one of those days where being a mummy really does feel like the best job in the world ... Even when you live in toddler town.

 It started off not so bright with a visit to the doctor - a checkup for me and 18 month immunisation for E. Poor baby was more traumatised by the weighing and measuring and coped better with the actual needle - could be the chocolate milk I brought along and gave him to sip before the needle was administered. Either way, no more needles now till 4 and the doctor was pleased with the high five E gave him when we left while the receptionists literally melted at his whispered garble of 'merry Christmas' and the kisses he blew them.

As he was in good spirits and it was only 10am, I decided to take him to Visit daddy at work knowing what a kick S would get to see him and show him off. The decision was a big hit all round, especially as E is in a stage of adoration with his 'dadddeeee' more than ever. I overhead several of the women that S works with comment how much they'd love to take E home ... I told them there were some days they would be welcome to but today wasn't one.

It was a stinking hot Gold Coast day and with no signs of tiredness after his daddy visit, a Swim was the order of the day and the shrieks of delight and accompanying splashing indicated another popular choice by mummy. I actually expected tears or a tantrum getting him out but after a decent spell he was pretty happy to get dry and I was blessedly cool. The lure (bribery?) of his favourite berries might have played a part in his easy acquiescence but hey, you've got to use whatever you've got in the mummy arsenal.

And here's where the day hit its peak for me... Nap time. Yes, us mums adore nap time but today was extra special for here. Since weaning, E flat out will not sleep for me. I can rock him, lay with him etc and all we get is hysterical tears till we admit defeat. Needless to say, it's been a tough and heartbreaking time feeling like a failure. Today I was determined to nail it and E must have known as I told him it was nap time and put on his Tomy light/lullaby star. He laid next to me, cuddled in and went right to sleep. I cried... Yep, I lay there watching my perfect precious little guy and I cried for the corner we had just turned and the blessing I had been given. Then I tried to call my mum to share my triumph... but of course she wasn't answering so I contented myself with a peaceful lunch and writing up some more Christmas to do lists.

The boss woke up a little later as happy and playful as can be so I popped him in the car and we went to deliver a Christmas gift to my mum's best friend. E was thoroughly spoilt with homemade biscuits and an ice block while I enjoyed catching up with a wonderful lady. The rest of the afternoon we spent doing water play in the yard and playing cars/trucks in the playroom ... I'm getting pretty good with the cars if the spontaneous cuddles, cheers and claps from my playtime companion are anything to go by.

How did you spend your Saturday?

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