
Pregnancy update: 18 weeks


How far along? 18 weeks

Maternity clothes? Stretchy and cool is my uniform this week so all my regular wardrobe.

Stretchmarks? Nope - sticking to the same creams as last time.

Symptoms: Tired, so darn tired this past week but just loving life.

Sleep: tired tired tired and still with those wacky dreams that leave strange bruises on me.

Miss Anything? Fetta cheese on my salads and a glass of Sav Blanc to go with it.

Movement: lots of rolling and movement as soon as I lay down to sleep each night.

Best moment this week: Two great moments this week! Scott's birthday dinner with a group of our best friends - nothing beats the company of these people and the hours together seem like minutes! Seriously, we took 3 hours over dinner and still had a million more things to catch up on.

White Christmas at Movieworld with my boys. Ethan was in heaven on the rides and watching the rollercoasters, bopping along to carols and just taking in the atmosphere. I have always loved Christmas but it is just mind-blowingly fun with a child!

Food cravings: like last week, my appetite seems to have abandoned me and I don't really feel like anything ever.

Anything making you queasy or sick: still off the red meat - which kind of put paid to a beautiful dinner we had out at a steak and ribs restaurant last week.

Have you started to show yet: oh yes, you can see the bump now without doubt but I'm still self-conscious of appearing like I ate too much at lunch (vanity thy name is Renee).

Belly Button in or out? Its in and strangely, the top of it has been a bit tender at times.

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy to be so very blessed with family, good friends and all I could need.

Looking forward to:  Family dinner and children's present exchange tomorrow night, finishing work for the year on Friday, our 20 week scan on Christmas Eve (I'm desperate to know boy or girl but I'm going to stay strong) and CHRISTMAS celebrations are almost upon us!!!

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  1. Now will you or wont you stay strong! That is the question!!!
    You look amazing! And I have a scan the day before you!!!


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