
Pregnancy update: 16 weeks


How far along? 16 

Maternity clothes? Mixing and matching my mat and regular clothes at the moment. The temperature dropped this past weekend and bought rain too so I got some more wear out of my JW mat jeans plus a pair of shirred waist CR cargo type pants I got from my sister.

Stretchmarks? None.

Symptoms: I've still been a bit nauseous some mornings this week but otherwise feeling great apart from a cold that seems to be coming on complete with sore throat.

Sleep: well but still waking tired after 8 hours. I guess that's the norm when your body is busy creating.

Have you told family and friends: oh yes, we aren't that good as secret keepers!

Miss Anything? Yep, pseudoephedrine or even just good old cold and flu tablets to knock this cold on the head.

Movement: still just those flutters around bedtime but no decent kicks yet.

Best moment this week: Going to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with my mum and sister. The show was spectacular with such a talented cast plus anytime spent with these two ladies is always great. I also had the pleasure of meeting Qld's Premier by hosting him in our office this week so that was pretty exciting.

Food cravings: homemade chocolate coconut slice ... so of course I succumbed and baked it on Saturday.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing out of the ordinary.

Have you started to show yet: I feel I have but it could still be mistaken for too much to eat by some I suspect.

Belly Button in or out? Its in!

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, very happy that its Christmas and I have my beautiful boy and family. I've also been making a conscious effort to draw on patience and let go of anything causing me stress or upset.

Looking forward to:  Finishing my Christmas wrapping, going to Christmas carols on Saturday and Sunday night with my boys and family, and the 20 week scan drawing ever closer.

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