
Santa Fail


It's safe to say that as far as E is concerned, poor old Santa is a great big fail this year.

We have spent weeks prepping E for his Santa pic this year including showing him pics of 'baby R' and Santa daily, waving to Santa at the shops at least once a week, reading stories about Santa... You get the idea. Understandably with all the prep, I was feeling a little smug and confident about having the Santa pic done this year although was fully expecting we would need to warm up with a family shot first. 

Well, as soon as we walked into Santa's display at Pacific Fair, I knew things weren't looking good for us and were highly unlikely to play put as they did in my head. E clung to me like a koala on a gum tree and had a look of total terror on his face. Poor Santa tried so hard to warm him up and was absolutely lovely but are didn't want a bar of him. Thankfully it was a quiet time so there was no pressure and both Santa and the photographer couldn't have been nicer or more patient.

Eventually we calmed E enough to sit on my lap, without Santa in his line of sight and went for the perfect shot. 8 frames later we managed one that had us all looking the same way and E looking solemn but not terrified. 

I should have left it at that but no, mean mumma that I am, and wanting to capture the moment, asked Santa if he was up for me to drop are on his lap and run. Santa was a good sport and agreed. E was completely onto me though and the screaming started almost instantly. I swear everyone in the centre heard him as he did one of those huge hold your breath and let loose sounds. Poor baby but we did get a pretty classic shot and as soon as I picked him up, he was all smiles, high-fiving and blowing kisses to Santa.

I have to say, I do love the photo of E and Santa as it just captures so much of him right now ... He's very determined and has his own little mind that can't be swayed. Photos don't always have to be smiling to be good and this will be a great memory for us to laugh over with him as he gets older. 

Tell me though, when does the Santa terror fade?

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  1. Haha you meanie! Anika was okay last year for the first time (age 4) but only because Hugo was there and he was oblivious to it (age 10 mths). So maybe next year E will be okay!


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