
Nativity scenes


Christmas for me is ... the most wonderful time of the year ... and yes, I did sing that line as I typed it.

I love the carols, the food, the shopping, gift-giving, preparation, decorations, the sentiment and most of all, I love to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

I have collected many decorations carefully over the years and am still building my collection however my favourite most precious Christmas decoration is my Royal Doulton Nativity scene. I bought it a little before last Christmas at a ridiculous good sale price after lusting over it for years. It gave me enormous joy to set up and look at last year in the lead up to Christmas.

This year the nativity scene will be displayed well out of the way of little fingers but its really important to me to teach E the meaning of Christmas the way I was taught growing up. Imagine my delight when I was scouring the internet for Little People sets and came across a Little People nativity scene! At $49.95, it wasn't cheap but I had a gift voucher to one of the online stockists so I couldn't resist buying it for E.

E loves his little people sets and seems to be at an age where he likes sitting 'playing' with them so I can't wait to pull this out with all of our home decorations and explain the scene to him and set it up like mummy's. I feel its a lovely way to share the Christmas message each year with him as he grows and it really makes him a part of the decorating and decorations with his own special piece to be responsible for.

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