
Pregnancy update: 15 weeks


How far along? 15 weeks

Maternity clothes? Thank goodness for my shirred waist shorts I bought from Country Road last summer as I'm living in those at the moment with the hot humid days we are having.

Stretch marks? No - and I go on and on about it but I am loving using my Mothercare cream again.

Symptoms: I definitely need to keep up those pelvic floor exercises as an annoying cough this week reinforced they aren't quite what they used to be.

Sleep: the nights have been cooler which helps enormously as my body temp is much higher lately but not enough to help me sleep through this week.

Have you told family and friends: Yes! And you can check last month's 'sooner than expected' post if you want to see E's eviction notice.

Miss Anything? After the week I've had, you guessed it, WINE!

Movement: slight flutters but nothing definite or consistent. I had an anterior placenta with E so didn't feel anything till 21/22 weeks last time so I'll probably be shocked to feel anything significant before then.

Best moment this week: wrapping Christmas presents, doing some Christmas shopping a date night with S and just basking in the brilliance of my little guy - I swear he amazes me every single day!

Food cravings: mangoes, cola flavoured anything and vegemite toast on fresh white bread.

Anything making you queasy or sick: the heat ... Getting hit pretty hard some mornings with nausea still unfortunately.

Have you started to show yet: I'm definitely conscious of it but it's not completely noticeable to others I think.

Belly Button in or out? In and staying there.

Happy or Moody most of the time: overwhelmed and lacking in patience this week. I also had a sad (but unfortunately expected) friendship realisation this week that caused a few tears.

Looking forward to:  going to the theatre with my mum and sister to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang midweek. A much needed night out and with great company!

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