
Pregnancy Update: 13 weeks


How far along? 13 weeks 

Maternity clothes? I bought some dark navy maternity jeans/jeggings from Jeanswest last week. I won't be wearing them for a while given how warm it is here but I expect they will get lots of wear come April. Best part? They were 40% off. 

Stretch marks? My magic potion is finally here! All the way from Singapore. My mother in law picked me up some tubes of Mothercare Its Your Body Stretchmark cream while in Singapore as we can't buy it in Australia anymore. Turns out its popular there too as she had to do a special order for it. The sweet almond oil smell is amazing and its such a beautiful cream. I used it during last pregnancy too and it kept the SMs at bay so hoping for the same result again.

Symptoms: I'm exhausted ... completely drained. It doesn't seem to matter how much I sleep, I wake so tired. The hot weather the past few days also seems to be activating my nausea but other than those minor complaints, I'm great!

Sleep: Apart from a few crazy vivid dreams (don't ask), I'm sleeping pretty well.

Have you told family and friends: Yes! 

Miss Anything? Fetta cheese on salads, good champagne and having a social glass or two of wine with my sis/mum at weekend lunches.

Movement: I'm sure I  had fluttery feelings again before bed last night but I'm really looking forward to them starting properly and Scott feeling them.

Best moment this week: Our 12 week scan. Seeing our uncooperative little bug on screen, arms crossed over its face was very cute and hearing all was tracking well and developing perfectly is the best news.  

Food cravings: Still cola drinks and frozen fruit plus pasta now as well

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the heat I think.

Have you started to show yet: Some days more than others.

Baby is a: I'm still guessing girl and Scott says boy of course.   

Belly Button in or out? Innie - can't see that changing at all again this time.

Wedding rings on or off? On and there to stay for awhile.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy but also a little stressed/on edge where things are making me teary or upset easily but I'd say this is more down to our weaning than anything else.

Looking forward to: The tiredness passing!

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